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Names That Mean Rock

233 names found for "Rock"   (page 5 of 5) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Looking for names that mean Rock? We couldn't find the exact name Rock, but listed below are some first names meaning Rock or names similar to the word Rock.

Similar Names

Raca | Race | Ric | Rice | Rich | Rick | Ricki | Ricky | Rico | Roark |

Related Names

Rocky  (American)
From the Rocks
Rocky  (English)
Roel  (French)
Roque  (Portuguese)
Roque  (Spanish)
Safwan  (Muslim)
Old Arabic Name. Rocks
Sela  (Biblical)
A Rock
Sela  (Biblical)
A Rock
Sela  (Hebrew)
Sela-hammah-lekoth  (Biblical)
Rock of Divisions
Sela-hammah-lekoth  (Biblical)
Rock of Divisions
Sele  (Hebrew)
Seleta  (Hebrew)
Shail  (Hindu)
Mountain, Rock
Sibeta  (Native American)
Pulling White Sucker Fish from Under a Rock
StancIyf  (English)
From the Rocky Diff
Stancliff  (English)
From the Rocky Diff
Stanley  (German)
Rocky Meadow
Stanwyck  (English)
Dweller at the Rocky Village (Stanwick)
Tarin  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Rocky Hill
Taryn  (Irish)
Combination of Tara 'Rocky Hill' and Erin 'Ireland'
Thorstein  (Norse)
Thor's Rock
Tremayne  (Welsh)
Lives in the House by the Rock
Tremen  (Welsh)
Lives in the House by the Rock
Tse  (Native American)
Rock (Navajo)
Tyre  (Biblical)
Strength; Rock; Sharp
Tyrus  (Biblical)
Strength; Rock; Sharp
Tzuriel  (Hebrew)
God is My Rock
Wycliff  (English)
White Rocks
Zur  (Biblical)
Stone; Rock; That Besieges
Zuriel  (Biblical)
Rock or Strength of God
Zuriel  (Hebrew)
The Lord is My Rock
Zurishaddai  (Biblical)
The Almighty is My Rock and Strength
233 names found for "Rock"   (page 5 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Jules | Maysun | Gormghlaith | Althea | Murry | Burton | Bernadea | Narmada | Betlic | Bertha | Arlette | Nashita | Brooke | Taima | Ain |