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Names That Mean Rock

233 names found for "Rock"   (page 1 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Rock? We couldn't find the exact name Rock, but listed below are some first names meaning Rock or names similar to the word Rock.

Similar Names

Raca | Race | Ric | Rice | Rich | Rick | Ricki | Ricky | Rico | Roark |

Related Names

Adri  (Hindu)
Ailie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Ailsa: from Ailsa Craig, a Rocky Islet in the Scottish Firth of Clyde. Also a Scottish Variant of Else, and a Diminutive of Ailis or Alison
Ailsa  (Scottish)
From Ailsa Craig, a Rocky Islet in the Scottish Firth of Clyde. Also a Scottish Variant of Else
Allyn  (English)
Rock; Feminine Form of Allen
Art  (Gaelic)
Artair  (Celtic)
Variant of Arthur: Bear; Rock
Arte  (Celtic)
Diminutive of Arthur: Bear; Rock
Artek  (Celtic)
Variant of Arthur: Bear; Rock
Artie  (Celtic)
Diminutive of Arthur: Bear; Rock
Artis  (Celtic)
Diminutive of Arthur: Bear; Rock
Arto  (Celtic)
Diminutive of Arthur: Bear; Rock
Artur  (Gaelic)
Arty  (Celtic)
Diminutive of Arthur: Bear; Rock
Athelstan  (English)
High-born Rock
Atur  (Celtic)
Variant of Arthur: Bear; Rock
Beth-zur  (Biblical)
House of a Rock
Beth-zur  (Biblical)
House of a Rock
Bour  (African)
Braxton  (English)
Brock's Town
Brock  (German)
Variant of Brook
Brock  (English)
A Badger
Brock  (English)
Derived from a Surname Based on the Old English Word for Badger. Also a Variant of Brook
Brockley  (English)
From the Badger Meadow
Buddey  (English)
Variant of Buddy: Friend. Famous Bearer: American Early Rock Star Who Died Young in a Tragic Plane Crash
Buddie  (English)
Variant of Buddy: Friend. Famous Bearer: American Early Rock Star Who Died Young in a Tragic Plane Crash
Buddy  (English)
Friend. Famous Bearer: American Early Rock Star Who Died Young in a Tragic Plane Crash
Cargan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Rock
Carraig  (Irish)
From the Rocky Headland
Carraig  (Gaelic)
Rocky Headland
Carrick  (Gaelic)
Rocky Headland
Carrick  (Irish)
From the Rocky Headland
Cephas  (Biblical)
A Rock or Stone
Cephas  (Hebrew)
Chantal  (French)
Rocky Land or Song
Chantal  (French)
Rocky Location (Chantalle, Chantel, Chantele, Shantal, Shantel, Shantelle)
Chantel  (French)
Rocky Land or Singer
Charraigaich  (Gaelic)
Rocky Headland
Cleit  (Scottish)
Rocky Eminence
Craig  (Welsh)
Craig  (Gaelic)
Of the Craggy Rock (Cragg, Kraig)
Craig  (Scottish)
Dwells at the Crag. from the Celtic Word Meaning Rock or Crag
Craig  (Scottish)
Dweller by the Crag; Derived from the Gaelic Creag (Rugged Rocks, Crag): Hence, 'Dweller by the Crag.' Variations: Craigg
Crayton  (English)
Variant of Creighton: Rocky Town
Darrock  (Irish)
Strong; Oak-hearted. See Also Derek
Darrock  (Gaelic)
Strong; Oak-hearted. See Also Derek
Davy  (English)
Beloved or Friend. A Diminutive of David. Famous Bearer: American Frontiersman Davy Crockett
Ebbaneza  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ebenezer: Rock That Helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge Was the Main Character of Charles Dickens' Story 'A Christmas Carol'
Eben  (Hebrew)
Ebeneezer  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ebenezer: Rock That Helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge Was the Main Character of Charles Dickens' Story 'A Christmas Carol'
Ebeneser  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ebenezer: Rock That Helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge Was the Main Character of Charles Dickens' Story 'A Christmas Carol'
233 names found for "Rock"   (page 1 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Jillianne | Mistico | Rosemarie | Moriah | Arilde | Drew | Graciana | Gobnait | Kenneth | Manal | Omran | Shani | Sinobia | Valeria | Majida |