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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 184 of 422) 

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Groot  (Dutch)
Grosvenor  (French)
Great Hunter
Grover  (English)
From the Grove
Gruddieu  (Celtic)
Mythical Son of Muriuel
Gruddyeu  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Muryel
Gruev  (Greek)
Gruffen  (Welsh)
Fierce Lord
Gruffin  (Welsh)
Fierce Lord
Gruffudd  (Welsh)
Red Haired
Gruffyn  (Welsh)
Fierce Lord
Grufydd  (Welsh)
Red Haired
Grumio  (Shakespearean)
'The Taming of the Shrew' a Servant to Petruchio
Gryfflet  (Arthurian Legend)
Killed by Lancelot
Gryphin  (Welsh)
Strong in Faith
Gryphon  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion
Guadalupe  (Arabic)
Wolf Valley. Biblical Mary is Mexico's Lady of Guadalupe
Gualterio  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Walter 'strong Warrior'
Gualtier  (Italian)
From the Name Walter
Gualtiero  (Italian)
Italian Form of Walter 'strong Warrior'
Guang  (Chinese)
Guban  (African)
Gudbrand  (Norse)
Weapon of the Gods
Gudbrande  (Norse)
Weapon of the Gods
Gudgodah  (Biblical)
Gudlaug  (Norse)
Son of Asbjorn
Gudmund  (Norse)
A Chieftain
Guebers  (Persian)
Followers of Ancient Persian Religion
Guerehes  (Arthurian Legend)
Brother of Gawain
Guffd  (Indian)
Serpent God
Guglielmo  (Italian)
Resolute Protector
Guglilmo  (Teutonic)
Resolute Guardian
Guiderius  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' Son to Cymbeline, Disguised Under the Name of Polydore, a Supposed Son to Belarius
Guido  (English)
A Middle Ages Variant of Guy
Guifford  (French)
Chubby Cheeks
Guilbert  (English)
Guildenstern  (Shakespearean)
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' a Courtier. Osric
Guildford  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, & ' King. Also Hal, King's Son and Prince of Wales, Who Becomes Henry V. 'King Henry Vi, Iii' King Henry Vi. Also Henry, Earl of Richmond, a Youth. 'King Henry Viii' King Henry. Also S
Guilerme  (Teutonic)
Resolute Fighter
Guilio  (Greek)
Guillame  (Teutonic)
Resolute Fighter
Guillaume  (French)
The French Form of the Name William, Meaning Resolute Protector
Guillermo  (Spanish)
Form of William
Guin  (Gaelic)
Guiseppe  (Hebrew)
God Will Multiply
Guivret  (Arthurian Legend)
A Dwarf King
Gulab  (Indian)
Gullinbursti  (Norse)
The Boar Ridden by Freyr
Gulltopp  (Norse)
The Horse of Heimdall
Gulzar  (Islamic)
Flourishing, Blooming
Gunaratna  (Indian)
jewel of virtue
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 184 of 422) 

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Additional Names

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