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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 185 of 422) 

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Gunavarma  (Hindu)
Name of a King
Gungir  (Norse)
Odin's Spear
Guni  (Biblical)
A Garden, a Covering
Gunlaug  (Norse)
Son of Illugi
Gunn  (Scottish)
Gunnar  (Swedish)
Battle Strong
Gunnbjorn  (Norse)
Fighting Bear
Gunner  (Swedish)
Battle Strong
Gunnlaug  (Norse)
Son of Illugi
Gunnolf  (Norse)
Fighting Wolf
Gunter  (German)
From an Old German Name Meaning War or Battle. Famous Bearer: Twentieth Century German Writer Gunter Grass
Gunther  (Teutonic)
Battle Army
Gur  (Hebrew)
Baby Lion
Gur-baal  (Biblical)
The Governor's Whelp
Gurbachan  (Indian)
promise of the guru
Gurcharan  (Indian)
feet of the guru
Gurdayal  (Indian)
compassionate guru
Gurdeep  (Indian)
lamp of the guru
Gure  (African)
Left Handed
Gurgalan  (Arthurian Legend)
A Pagan King
Guri  (Hebrew)
My Lion Cub
Gurion  (Hebrew)
My Lion Cub
Gurmeet  (Indian)
friend of the guru
Gurnam  (Indian)
name of the guru
Gurney  (Shakespearean)
'King John' James Jurney, Servant to Lady Faulconbridge
Gursharan  (Indian)
refuge at the guru
Guru  (Hindu)
Religious Head
Gurudas  (Indian)
servant of the guru
Gurudayal  (Hindu)
Kind Teacher
Gurudeep  (Hindu)
Light of Guru
Gurudutt  (Indian)
gift of the guru
Gurugovind  (Hindu)
Teacher of Sikhs
Guruling  (Hindu)
One of the Five Eashwar Lingas
Guruprasad  (Hindu)
A Favour or Gift from Guru/God
Gurupriya  (Hindu)
Fovored Pupil
Guruputra  (Hindu)
Son of the Teacher
Gurutmat  (Hindu)
Gurutz  (Basque)
Holy Cross
Gus  (English)
A Diminutive of the Latin Augustus or Augustine, Meaning Majestic. Often Used As an Independent Name
Gusg  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Achen
Gussie  (English)
A Diminutive of Augusta, Augustina, Augustine, or Augustus
Gustaf  (Swedish)
Lord's Cane (Gus, Gustave, Gustav, Gusty, Gustavo)
Gustaof  (Teutonic)
Staff of the Goths
Gustav  (Swedish)
Noble Staff
Gustave  (French)
From the Swedish Gustaf, Meaning Staff of the Gods
Gustavo  (Spanish)
Royal Staff
Gustavus  (Latin)
Staff of the Gods, or Staff of the Goths
Gusztav  (Latin)
Guthrie  (Gaelic)
Free Wind
Guttorm  (Norse)
Brother of Gudrun
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 185 of 422) 

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