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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 189 of 422) 

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Hakizimana  (Egyptian)
God Saves
Hakkatan  (Biblical)
Hakkoz  (Biblical)
A Thorn, Summer, an End
Hakon  (Scandinavian)
Hakupha  (Biblical)
A Commandment of the Mouth
Hal  (English)
A Nickname for Henry 'Rules His Household.'
Halah  (Biblical)
A Moist Table
Halak  (Biblical)
Halbart  (English)
Brilliant Hero
Halbert  (English)
Brilliant Hero
Halburt  (English)
Brilliant Hero
Haldan  (Teutonic)
Half Dane
Haldane  (English)
From Denmark
Halden  (English)
From Denmark
Hale  (Swedish)
Halebeorht  (English)
Brilliant Hero
Halee  (English)
Hay Meadow
Haleef  (Muslim)
Variant of Halif: Ally. Confederate
Haleem  (Hindu)
Halen  (English)
Haley  (Irish)
Halfon  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chalfon: Change
Halford  (English)
From the Hall by the Ford
Halhul  (Biblical)
Grief, Looking for Grief
Hali  (Greek)
Halian  (Native American)
Halif  (Muslim)
Ally. Confederate
Halig  (Anglo Saxon)
Haligwiella  (English)
Lives by the Holy Spring
Halil  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chalil: Flute
Halim  (Arabic)
Halirrhothius  (Greek)
Son of Poseidon
Halithersis  (Greek)
Seer Who Warns Penelope's Suitors
Halklel  (Norse)
Brother of Ketilbjorn
Hall  (English)
From the Manor
Hallam  (Teutonic)
From the Hillside
Hallbjorn  (Norse)
Rock Bear
Halldor  (Norse)
Son of Gunnbjorn
Hallelujah  (Biblical)
Praise the Lord
Hallen  (Swedish)
Halley  (English)
From the Manor House Meadow
Hallfred  (Norse)
Son of Ottar
Hallil  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chalil: Flute
Halliwell  (English)
Lives by the Holy Spring
Halloesh  (Biblical)
Saying Nothing; an Enchanter
Hallvard  (Norse)
Fought in the Battle of Hafursfjord
Hallwell  (English)
Lives by the Holy Spring
Halphon  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chalfon: Change
Halsey  (English)
From Hal's Island
Halsig  (English)
From Hal's Island
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 189 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Jeriah | Shiloh | Lotus | Clarissa | Anna | Cairbre | Hashupha | Livvy | Tupi | Pratibha | Averyll | Bardon | Avongara | Gais | Nebai |