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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 237 of 422) 

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Kelii  (Hawaiian)
Kelitah  (Biblical)
Voice of the Lord; Gathering Together
Kell  (Norse)
From the Spring
Kellach  (Irish)
Kellan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Kelle  (Gaelic)
Slender; Fair
Kelleher  (Irish)
Loving Husband
Kellen  (Gaelic)
Slender; Fair. Form of Caelan
Keller  (Gaelic)
Little Champion
Kelley  (Gaelic)
Kelli  (Welsh)
From the Wood
Kellicka  (Latin)
Strong Willed: Caring and Loving. Good Charm Sensitive
Kellie  (Irish)
Variant of Kelly: War. Lively. Aggressive. an Irish Surname That Has Only Been Used As a First Name (Either Gender) in the Latter Half of the Th Century
Kellman  (Hungarian)
Kelly  (Irish)
War. Lively. Aggressive. an Irish Surname That Has Only Been Used As a First Name (Either Gender) in the Latter Half of the Th Century
Kellye  (Gaelic)
Lively; Aggressive
Kelman  (Latin)
Kelmen  (Basque)
Kelsey  (Gaelic)
A Treasure of Life
Kelsig  (Norse)
From the Ship's Island
Kelsy  (Scandinavian)
Island of the Ships (Kelsey)
Kelton  (Celtic/Gaelic)
A Town of Celts
Kelvan  (English)
River Man
Kelven  (Celtic)
River Man
Kelvin  (Celtic/Gaelic)
A River of Scotland
Kelvyn  (Celtic)
From the Narrow River
Kelwin  (Celtic)
From the Narrow River
Kelwyn  (Celtic)
From the Narrow River
Kelyn  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Caw
Keme  (Gaelic)
Little Dark
Kemen  (Basque)
Kemiah  (African)
Kemp  (English)
Kempe  (English)
Kemuel  (Biblical)
God Hath Raised Up; or Established Him
Ken  (Welsh)
Clear Water
Kenah  (Biblical)
Buying; Possession
Kenan  (Irish)
Kenaz  (Hebrew)
Kendal  (Celtic)
From the Bright Valley
Kendale  (English)
Royal Valley. Surname Referring to Kent in England
Kendall  (Italian)
Beautiful, Interested, Bright
Kendel  (English)
Royal Valley. Surname Referring to Kent in England
Kendell  (English)
Royal Valley. Surname Referring to Kent in England
Kendhal  (Celtic)
From the Bright Valley
Kendon  (Gaelic)
Brave Chieftain
Kendra  (German)
Kendrew  (Scottish)
Manly; Brave. Form of Andrew
Kendric  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Jehovah Has Remembered. Surname
Kendrick  (Anglo Saxon)
Fearless Leader
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 237 of 422) 

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