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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 238 of 422) 

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Kendriek  (English)
Son of Harry
Kendrik  (Scottish)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kendrix  (Scottish)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kendryek  (Anglo Saxon)
Fearless Leader
Kendryk  (English)
Son of Harry
Kenelm  (English)
Defends the Family. from Old English Words for 'Brave' and 'Helmet'. in the Th Century, St. Kenelm Was Murdered by His Sister After the Death of His Father, King Coenwulf of Mercia. This Name is Used
Kenites  (Biblical)
Possession, Purchase, Lamentation
Kenizzites  (Biblical)
Possession, Purchase
Kenji  (Japanese)
Intelligent Second Son; Strong and Vigorous
Kenjiro  (Japanese)
Second Son Who Sees With Insight
Kenley  (English)
From the King's Meadow
Kenly  (English)
From the King's Meadow
Kenn  (English)
Abbreviation of Names Beginning With 'Ken-'
Kennalyn  (Contemporary)
Combination of Kenna or Kendra and Lynn
Kennan  (Scottish)
Abbreviation of Kenneth. Surname
Kennard  (English)
Kennedy  (Scottish)
A Surname Derived from the Irish Ceinneidigh, a Compound Name Composed of the Elements Ceann (Head, Chief, Leader) and Eidigh (Ugly).(Ken-neh-dee)
Kennelly  (Irish)
Kenner  (Gaelic)
Brave Chieftain
Kenneth  (English)
Born of Fire; an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Cinaed and Cionaed and Coinneach and Caioneach (Comely, Handsome). Short Name: Ken. Pet: Kenny. (Ken-neth)
Kenney  (Scottish)
Abbreviation of Kenneth. Surname
Kennon  (Scottish)
Abbreviation of Kenneth. Surname
Kenny  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Kenneth: Handsome
Kenric  (Anglo Saxon)
Fearless Leader
Kenrick  (Scottish)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kenriek  (English)
Royal Ruler
Kenrik  (Scottish)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kenryk  (English)
Royal Ruler
Kent  (Welsh)
Bright White
Kentaro  (Japanese)
Sharp; Big Boy
Kentigem  (Celtic)
Kentigern  (Celtic)
Chief Lord. Name of the First Bishop of Glasgow
Kenton  (English)
Castle Estate
Kentrell  (English)
Royal Chieftain
Kenward  (English)
Bold Guardian
Kenway  (English)
Bold Warrior
Kenyi  (African)
Kenyon  (Gaelic)
Kenzie  (Scottish)
Keoki  (Hawaiian)
Form of George
Keon  (Irish)
Form of Ewan from John
Keondre  (Gaelic)
Keoni  (Hawaiian)
Form of John
Kerbasi  (Basque)
Kerbasy  (Teutonic)
Kerem  (Turkish)
Noble and Kind
Kerhasi  (Teutonic)
Kerhy  (Teutonic)
From the Church Village
Keri  (Irish)
Variant of Kerry: 'Descendents of Ciar'. The Name of a County of Ireland. Used for Both Genders
Keril  (Greek)
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 238 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Maureen | Ankita | Smetheleah | Cletus | Zelzah | Mabsant | Faheem | Anschel | Amahau | Angelique | Fernand | Kayanna | Kyle | Vilhelmina | Yone |