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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 239 of 422) 

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Kerioth  (Biblical)
The Cities, the Callings
Kerk  (Scandinavian)
Kerman  (French)
Kermichaef  (Gaelic)
From Michael's Fortress
Kermichil  (Gaelic)
From Michael's Fortress
Kermit  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Free Man
Kermode  (Celtic)
Son of Diarmaid
Kern  (Gaelic)
Little Dark
Keros  (Biblical)
Crooked, Crookedness
Kerr  (Norse)
From the Marsh
Kerri  (Irish)
Variant of Kerry: 'Descendents of Ciar'. The Name of a County of Ireland. Used for Both Genders
Kerrick  (English)
King's Rule. Surname
Kerrie  (Irish)
Variant of Kerry: 'Descendents of Ciar'. The Name of a County of Ireland. Used for Both Genders
Kerrigan  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark. A Surname
Kerry  (Celtic)
Kerstan  (Latin)
Kersten  (Slavic)
Kert  (American)
Simple Pleasures
Kerwen  (Gaelic)
Little Black One
Kerwin  (Gaelic)
Baby With Black Eyes (Kervin, Kerwen, Kirwin)
Kerwyn  (Celtic)
Dark Skinned
Kesari  (Hindu)
A Spice
Kesegowaase  (Native American)
Swift (Algonquin)
Kesin  (Indian)
Long Haired Almsman
Kesler  (American)
Independent and Energetic
Kestejoo  (Native American)
Slave (Algonquin)
Kester  (Gaelic)
Bearing Christ; a Gaelic Form of Christopher. (Kes-ter)
Kestorr  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Ketan  (Hindu)
Flag, Symbol
Ketil  (Norse)
Son of Thori
Keval  (Hindu)
Absolute, Pure
Kevan  (Celtic)
Keven  (Irish)
Handsome Child. Variant of Kevin
Keveon  (Irish)
Handsome Child. Variant of Kevin
Kevin  (Gaelic)
Kevinn  (Irish)
Handsome Child. Variant of Kevin
Kevion  (Irish)
Handsome Child. Variant of Kevin
Kevis  (Irish)
Handsome Child. Variant of Kevin
Kevon  (Irish)
Handsome Child. Variant of Kevin
Kevork  (Armenian)
Kevron  (Irish)
Handsome Child. Variant of Kevin
Kevyn  (Gaelic)
Key  (Gaelic)
Son of Aidan
Keyon'Dre  (African)
Man of Wisdom
Keyur  (Hindu)
Keziz  (Biblical)
End, Extremity
Kfister  (Swedish)
Khaadim  (Muslim)
Variant of Khadim: Servant. Attendant
Khaalid  (Muslim)
Variant of Khalid: Immortal. Deathless. Eternal
Khaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Khan: Pathan. Leader
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 239 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Seiji | Cecile | Brody | Uriah | Camelot | Drudwas | Lise | Jonay | Ramhart | Keren | Jovan | Elroy | Mikaa'il | Love | Kamali |