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Baby names beginning with "R"

1469 names found for "R"   (page 1 of 30) 

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R'phael  (Hebrew)
God's Healer
Ra  (Egyptian)
The Sun
Ra  (English)
Ra'ed  (Muslim)
Ra'ees  (Muslim)
Variant of Ra'Is: Head. Chief
Ra'eesa  (Muslim)
Variant of Ra'Isa: Leadress. Matron
Ra'id  (Arabic)
Ra'idah  (Muslim)
Ra'is  (Muslim)
Head. Chief
Ra'isa  (Muslim)
Leadress. Matron
Ra'naa  (Muslim)
Variant of Rana: to Gaze. Look Beautiful. Graceful
Raabia  (Muslim)
Variant of Rabia: Fourth
Raaghib  (Muslim)
Variant of Raghib: Desirous. Willing
Raahat  (Muslim)
Variant of Rahat: Rest. Repose
Raaheel  (Muslim)
Variant of Rahil: Rachel
Raajih  (Muslim)
Variant of Rajih: Respondent
Raakin  (Muslim)
Variant of Rakin: Respectful
Raamah  (Biblical)
Greatness; Thunder; Some Sort of Evil
Raamiah  (Biblical)
Thunder, or Evil, from the Lord
Raamiah  (Biblical)
Thunder, or Evil, from the Lord
Raamiz  (Muslim)
Variant of Ramiz: Symbol
Raanan  (Hebrew)
Raananah  (Hebrew)
Raanee  (Muslim)
Variant of Rani: the Queen
Raaqeem  (Muslim)
Variant of Raqim: Writer. Recorder
Raaqim  (Muslim)
Variant of Raqim: Writer. Recorder
Raashida  (Muslim)
Variant of Rashida: Conscious. Pious. Wise. Mature
Raasikh  (Muslim)
Deep-rooted. Stable
Raateeb  (Muslim)
Variant of Ratib: Arranger
Raatib  (Muslim)
Variant of Ratib: Arranger
Raaziq  (Muslim)
Variant of Raziq: God. Provider
Rab  (Teutonic)
Bright Fame
Rab-saris  (Biblical)
Chief of the Eunuchs
Rab-shakeh  (Biblical)
Cup-bearer of the Prince
Rabab  (Muslim)
White Cloud
Rabah  (Hebrew)
Fourth Born
Rabah  (Muslim)
Rabb  (Muslim)
Lord. Master. (This Name is Not Used for Humans)
Rabbah  (Biblical)
'Great, Powerful, Contentious'
Rabbi  (Biblical)
My Master
Rabbie  (German)
Diminutive of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Rabboni  (Biblical)
My Master
Rabee'  (Muslim)
Variant of Rabi': Spring
Rabhartach  (Gaelic)
Rabi  (Islamic)
Sweet Wind
Rabi  (Arabic)
Rabi'  (Muslim)
Rabi'ah  (Muslim)
Garden. Springtime
Rabia  (Muslim)
Rabia  (African)
1469 names found for "R"   (page 1 of 30) 

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Additional Names

Vanmala | Kuni | Udbhuddha | Cullodina | Raibert | Witt | Indu | Fergus | Sarsour | Fahd | Amber | Mahala | Pastora | Lennox | Ricman |