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Names That Mean King

1309 names found for "King"   (page 2 of 27) 

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Looking for names that mean King? We couldn't find the exact name King, but listed below are some first names meaning King or names similar to the word King.

Similar Names

Kong | Kunz | Kianga | Kanga |

Related Names

Alcyoneus  (Greek)
Kingfisher. Alcyoneus Fought Against Athena in Greek Mythology
Aldfrith  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Aleen  (Celtic)
Fair, Good-looking. Feminine of Allen or Variant of Helen
Aleena  (Celtic)
Fair, Good-looking. Feminine of Allen or Variant of Helen
Alena  (Celtic)
Fair, Good-looking. Feminine of Allen or Variant of Helen
Alene  (Celtic)
Fair, Good-looking. Feminine of Allen or Variant of Helen
Alethea  (Greek)
Truth. Alethea Became Popular When the Future King Charles I Courted Spanish Maria Aletea. Sometimes Confused With the Unrelated Althea.'Truthful.' Mythological Goddess of Truth
Alex  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain. British King Edward Vii's Wife Princess Alexandra of Denmark
Alexa  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender of Men, Helper. Alexander the Great Was a Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named
Alexander  (Greek)
Defender of Men. Alexander the Great Was a Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named. Eight Popes and Three Russian Emperors Have Been Named Alexander
Alexander  (Greek)
Helper of Men, Daring,Quick-thinking,Cunning,
Alexandra  (Greek)
A Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain; it Became Popular After the Marriage of the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra of Denmark
Alexandre  (Arthurian Legend)
Nephew of King Mark
Alexandria  (Greek)
Variant of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain; it Became Popular After the Marriage of the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra of Den
Alexandrina  (Greek)
Variant of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain; it Became Popular After the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra of Denmark
Alexia  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender of Men, Helper. Alexander the Great Was a Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named
Alexis  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender of Men, Helper. Alexander the Great Was a Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named
Aleyn  (Arthurian Legend)
A Fisher King
Alfred  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Alfred  (English)
Sage; Wise; Elvin. from the Old English Aelfraed, Meaning Elf Counsel. Also from Ealdfrith or Alfrid, Meaning Old Peace. Famous Bearers: Alfred the Great Was a King, Alfred Lord Tennyson Was a Famous
Alice  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Attendant to Katherine
Alick  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men. Alexander the Great Was a Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named. Eight Popes and Three Russian Emperors Have Been Named Alexander
Alick  (Greek)
Helper of Men, Daring,Quick-thinking,Cunning,
Aline  (Celtic)
Fair, Good-looking. Feminine of Allen or Variant of Helen
Alix  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain; it Became Popular After the Marriage of the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra of
Alixandre  (Arthurian Legend)
Nephew of King Mark
Allena  (Celtic)
Fair, Good-looking. Feminine of Allen or Variant of Helen
Allene  (Celtic)
Fair, Good-looking. Feminine of Allen or Variant of Helen
Alonso  (Shakespearean)
'The Tempest' Alonso, King of Naples
Alric  (German)
Rules All. The Historical Gothic King Who Plundered Rome in A.D
Alrick  (German)
Rules All. The Historical Gothic King Who Plundered Rome in A.D
Alured  (English)
Variant of Alfred: Sage, Wise. from the Old English Aelfraed, Meaning Elf Counsel. Also from Ealdfrith or Alfrid, Meaning Old Peace. Famous Bearers: Alfred the Great Was a King, Alfred Lord Tennyson W
Amalea  (Latin)
Hard Working
Amalea  (Italian)
Hard Working
Amalia  (Latin)
Amalia  (Italian)
From Amelia, a Derivative of the Old German Amalburga Meaning Labour. Hard Working
Amalie  (French)
Hard Working. Industrious. Striving
Amalie  (Latin)
Hard Working
Amarnath  (Hindu)
King of Gods
Amber  (English)
A Jewel Name That Became Popular from the Name of the Yellowish Resin Used in Jewellery-making. Used Regularly Since the Publication of Oth Century Writer Kathleen Winsor's Novel 'Forever Amber. '
Ambrose  (Greek)
Immortal. British Military Leader Ambrosius Aurelianus Was Probably a Prototype for Legendary King Arthur
Ambrosina  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Ambrose: Immortal. British Military Leader Ambrosius Aurelianus Was Probably a Prototype for Legendary King Arthur
Ambruslne  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Ambrose: Immortal. British Military Leader Ambrosius Aurelianus Was Probably a Prototype for Legendary King Arthur
Amelia  (Teutonic)
Industrious, Hard-working, Also Amalia, Amelie
Amelie  (French)
Hard Working. Industrious. Striving
Amelinda  (Latin)
Hard Working
Amelita  (Latin)
Hard Working
Amerigo  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
Amery  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
Amialiona  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
1309 names found for "King"   (page 2 of 27) 

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Additional Names

Lucio | Devakinandan | Tupi | Laverne | Hiero | Serihilde | Holon | Evacska | Kaphiri | Jenina | Emeraude | Angerona | Alric | Guiderius | Dusan |