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Names That Mean King

1309 names found for "King"   (page 5 of 27) 

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Looking for names that mean King? We couldn't find the exact name King, but listed below are some first names meaning King or names similar to the word King.

Similar Names

Kong | Kunz | Kianga | Kanga |

Related Names

Basil  (Greek)
Basil  (Greek)
Kingly, Confident, Excitable, Obstinate
Basil  (Greek)
Like a King
Basil  (Greek)
Royal. Kingly. St Basil the Great Was Bishop of Caesarea in the Latter Half of the Th Century. This Name Was Introduced into Western Europe by the Crusaders. Derived from the Same Greek Word As the Pl
Basil  (English)
Royal; Kingly
Basile  (English)
Variant of Basil: Royal; Kingly
Basilia  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Basil: Royal. Kingly. Regal. Derived from the Same Greek Word As the Plant Name Basil. Famous Bearer: St Basil the Great Was Bishop of Caesarea in the Latter Half of the Th Century
Basilie  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Basil: Royal. Kingly. Regal. Derived from the Same Greek Word As the Plant Name Basil. Famous Bearer: St Basil the Great Was Bishop of Caesarea in the Latter Half of the Th Century
Basilio  (English)
Variant of Basil: Royal; Kingly
Basilios  (English)
Variant of Basil: Royal; Kingly
Basilius  (Dutch)
Basilius  (English)
Variant of Basil: Royal; Kingly
Basmus  (Swedish)
Bates  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Soldier in the King's Army
Bathsheba  (Hebrew)
Oath; Voluptuous. Famous Bearer: Bathsheha Everdene, Heroine of Thomas Hardy's Novel 'Far from the Madding Crowd'; Old Testament King David's Wife Bathsheba
Baz  (Greek)
Diminutive of Basil: Royal. Kingly. St Basil the Great Was Bishop of Caesarea in the Latter Half of the Th Century. This Name Was Introduced into Western Europe by the Crusaders. Derived from the Same
Bazil  (English)
Variant of Basil: Royal; Kingly
Bazyl  (English)
Variant of Basil: Royal; Kingly
Bazyli  (Polish)
Beata  (Latin)
Happy; Many. This Name Has Rarely Been Found in the English Speaking World After the Th Century
Beaufort  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter, Great-uncle to King Henry Vi, Bishop of Winchester, and Afterwards, in 'Henry Vi, Part ', Cardinal Beaufort. Cardinal. 'Henry Vi, Part ' John Beaufor
Bedford  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Duke of Bedford, Brother to the King. 'Henry Vi, Part ' Duke of Bedford, Uncle to King Henry Vi, and Regent of France
Bel  (English)
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
Bell  (English)
Diminutive of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Bell  (English)
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
Bellamey  (English)
Variant of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Bellamie  (English)
Variant of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Bellamy  (English)
Good-looking Companion
Belle  (English)
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
Bellinus  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Belus  (Latin)
King of Tyre
Bendigeidfran  (Celtic)
Name of a King
Benoyce  (Arthurian Legend)
Name of a Kingdom
Beornwulf  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Berachiah  (Biblical)
Speaking Well of the Lord
Berenice  (Greek)
One Who Brings Victory, Bringer of Victory. Famous Bearer: King Ptolemy I of Egypt's Second Wife Was Named Berenice, As Were Two of Her Granddaughters
Berkeley  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard the Second' Earl Berkeley. 'King Richard Iii' a Gentleman Attending on Lady Anne
Bernice  (Greek)
A Variant of Berenice, Meaning Bringer of Victory. The New Testament Bernice, Called Berenice in Some Passages, Was Thought to Have Had an Incestuous Relationship With King Herod Agrippa Ii, Her Broth
Bernie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Bernice: a Variant of Berenice, Meaning Bringer of Victory. The New Testament Bernice, Called Berenice in Some Passages, Was Thought to Have Had an Incestuous Relationship With King Hero
Berny  (Greek)
Diminutive of Bernice: a Variant of Berenice, Meaning Bringer of Victory. The New Testament Bernice, Called Berenice in Some Passages, Was Thought to Have Had an Incestuous Relationship With King Hero
Berowne  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' Lord Attending on King Ferdinand
Beulah  (Hebrew)
Married, to Marry, Claimed As a Wife. This Old Testament Place Name Became Common in English-speaking Countries After the Reformation. Famous References - in the Bible Beulah is a Name Symbolic of the
Bhadravati  (Hindu)
Wife of King Pareekshit
Bhavnish  (Hindu)
Bhoja  (Hindu)
The Name of a Hindu King in the Th Century
Bhoopesh  (Hindu)
King of the Earth
Bhootakingam  (Hindu)
Bhupen  (Indian)
Bhupendra  (Hindu)
King of Seas
Bhupendra  (Indian)
king of kings
1309 names found for "King"   (page 5 of 27) 

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Additional Names

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