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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 202 of 422) 

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Homar  (Greek)
Given As Hostage; Promised. Homer Was Credited With Writing the Epic Greek Poems the Iliad and the Odyssey
Home  (Scottish)
From the Cave
Homer  (Greek)
Homeros  (Greek)
Homerus  (Greek)
Honani  (Native American)
Badger (Hopi)
Honaw  (Native American)
Bear (Hopi)
Hondo  (Egyptian)
Honi  (Hebrew)
Honiahaka  (Native American)
Little Wolf (Cheyenne)
Honir  (Norse)
Brother of Odin
Honnesh  (Hindu)
Rich Person
Honon  (Native American)
Bear (Miwok)
Honor  (Latin)
Honorato  (Latin)
Honovi  (Native American)
Honza  (Czechoslovakian)
Gift from God
Hood  (Muslim)
Variant of Hud: the Biblical Hud is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Hophin  (Biblical)
He That Covers; My Fist
Hor  (Biblical)
Who Conceives, or Shows, a Hill
Hor-hagidgad  (Biblical)
The Hill of Felicity
Horace  (Latin)
Hour in Time
Horacio  (Latin)
Horado  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Horace 'Timekeeper'
Horam  (Biblical)
Their Hill
Horatio  (Shakespearean)
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' Friend to Hamlet
Horatius  (Latin)
A Hero Who Saved Rome
Horaz  (Latin)
Hord  (Norse)
Father of Ashjom
Horem  (Biblical)
An Offering Dedicated to God
Horemheb  (Egyptian)
Name of a Pharaoh
Hori  (Biblical)
A Prince; Freeborn
Horims  (Biblical)
Princes, Being Angry
Horner  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Duke of Clarence, Son to Henry Iv. 'King Henry Iv, Part ' Thomas Wart, a Country Soldier. 'Henry Vi, Part ' Thomas Horner, an Armourer
Horonaim  (Biblical)
Angers, Ragings
Horonites  (Biblical)
Men of Anger; or of Fury; or of Liberty
Horry  (English)
Diminutive of Horace: Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius
Hortensio  (Shakespearean)
'The Taming of the Shrew' a Suitor to Bianca
Hortensius  (Shakespearean)
'The Life of Timon of Athens' Timon's Servant
Horton  (English)
From the Gray Estate
Horus  (Egyptian)
God of Light
Hosah  (Biblical)
Hosanna  (Biblical)
Save I Pray Thee, Keep, Preserve
Hosea  (Hebrew)
Hoshaiah  (Biblical)
The Salvation of the Lord
Hoshama  (Biblical)
Heard; He Obeys
Hoshea  (Biblical)
Savior, Safety
Hoskuld  (Norse)
Son of Thorstein
Hotah  (Native American)
White (Sioux)
Hotham  (Biblical)
A Seal
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 202 of 422) 

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Additional Names

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