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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 208 of 422) 

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Igoryok  (Russian)
Ihab  (Islamic)
Gift, Donation
Ihasn  (Islamic)
Ihsaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Ihsan: Benevolence. Beneficence. Charity
Ihsan  (Muslim)
Benevolence. Beneficence. Charity
Ihtishaam  (Muslim)
Variant of Ihtisham: Pomp. Magnificence
Ihtisham  (Muslim)
Pomp. Magnificence
Iiari  (Basque)
Iiian  (Basque)
Iim  (Biblical)
Heaps of Hebrews; or of Angry Men
Ije-abarim  (Biblical)
Heaps of Hebrews, or of Passers Over
Ijon  (Biblical)
Look, Eye, Fountain
Ike  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Isaac: He Laughs. Laughter. The Only Son Born to Abraham and His Wife Sarah (In the Old Testament). Famous Bearer: Nickname of American President Dwight D. Eisenhower (-)
Iker  (Basque)
Ikhlaaq  (Muslim)
Variant of Ikhlaq: Morals. Virtues
Ikhlaas  (Muslim)
Variant of Ikhlas: Frankness. Sincerity
Ikhlaq  (Muslim)
Morals. Virtues
Ikhlas  (Muslim)
Frankness. Sincerity
Ikkesh  (Biblical)
Forward, Wicked
Ikraam  (Muslim)
Variant of Ikram: Esteem Veneration
Ikram  (Muslim)
Esteem Veneration
Ikrimah  (Muslim)
Female of a Pigeon
Ikshu  (Indian)
Ilan  (Hebrew)
A Tree
Ilari  (Latin)
Ilario  (Italian)
Ilarion  (Latin)
Ilesh  (Indian)
lord of earth
Iliana  (Spanish)
Variant of Elena
Ilias  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is God
Illan  (Latin)
Illanipi  (Native American)
Illian  (Latin)
Illias  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is God
Illius  (Latin)
Illugi  (Norse)
Son of Aslak
Illyria  (Shakespearean)
'Twelfth Night', Also Called 'What You Will' Orsino, Duke of Illyria
Illyricum  (Biblical)
Joy, Rejoicing
Ilo  (African)
Light, Joyous, Sunshine
Ilom  (African)
My Enemies are Many
Ilona  (Hungarian)
Iluminada  (Spanish)
Light; Bringer of Light
Ilus  (Latin)
Founder of Troy
Ilya  (Russian)
Abbreviation of Elijah 'My God is Jehovah.'
Ilyaas  (Muslim)
Variant of Ilyas: the Biblical Elijah is the English Language Equivalent
Ilyas  (Muslim)
The Biblical Elijah is the English Language Equivalent
Im  (Norse)
A Mythical Giant
Imaad  (Muslim)
Variant of Imad: Support. Pillar. Confidence
Imaadudin  (Muslim)
Variant of Imadudeen: the Pillar of the Faith
Imaam  (Muslim)
Variant of Imam: Leader. Chief
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 208 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Filbert | Dalon | Winnie | Matloob | Debralee | Arien | Gideon | Oma | Gertraud | Darcey | Sage | Lacene | Essien | Camila | Ilanit |