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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 207 of 422) 

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Ibniah  (Biblical)
The Building of the Lord; the Understanding of the Lord; Son by Adoption
Ibon  (Basque)
Ibraaheem  (Muslim)
Variant of Ibrahim: the Biblical Abraham is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Ibraheem  (Muslim)
Variant of Ibrahim: the Biblical Abraham is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Ibrahim  (Arabic)
Arabic Form of Abraham
Ibycus  (Greek)
A Bard
Ibzan  (Biblical)
Father of a Target; Father of Coldness
Icarius  (Greek)
Gave Wine to the Citizens of Athens Who Mistook it for Poison and Killed Him
Icarus  (Greek)
Son of Daedalus
Icelos  (Greek)
Son of Hypnos
Ichabod  (Hebrew)
Departed Glory
Iconium  (Biblical)
Ida  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Idal  (English)
From the Yew Tree Valley
Idalah  (Biblical)
The Hand of Slander, or of Cursing
Idas  (Greek)
An Argonaut
Idbash  (Biblical)
Flowing With Honey, the Land of Destruction
Iddawg  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Mynyo
Iddig  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Anarawd
Iddo  (Biblical)
His Band; Power; Praise
Ideeq  (Muslim)
Variant of Idiq: the Biblical Isaac is the English Language Equivalent
Iden  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Alexander Iden, a Kentish Gentleman
Idiq  (Muslim)
The Biblical Isaac is the English Language Equivalent
Idms  (Muslim)
The Biblical Enoch is the English Language Equivalent
Idogbe  (Egyptian)
Brother of Twins
Idomeneus  (Greek)
A King of Crete
Idrees  (Muslim)
Variant of Idris: a Prophet's Name
Idris  (Muslim)
A Prophet's Name
Idumea  (Biblical)
Red, Earthy, Bloody
Ife  (African)
Wide, Love
Iffat  (Muslim)
Variant of 'Iffat: Virtue. Chastity
Ifor  (Teutonic)
Iftikhaar  (Muslim)
Honor. Glory
Iftikhar  (Islamic)
To Bring Honour
Igal  (Biblical)
Redeemed, Defiled
Igasho  (Native American)
A Wanderer
Igdaliah  (Biblical)
The Greatness of the Lord
Ige  (African)
Born by Breech
Igeal  (Biblical)
A Redeemer, Redeemed, Defiled
Iggi  (African)
Only Son
Iggy  (African)
From the Name Iggi
Ighneachan  (Irish)
Variant of Eigneachan: Strong Man
Ignac  (Latin)
Ignace  (French)
Ignacio  (Italian)
Ignado  (Spanish)
Ignatius  (Latin)
Ignazio  (Italian)
Igor  (Russian)
Farmer (Igoryok)
Igorr  (Greek)
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 207 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Aron | Adejola | Teraphim | Earl | Amin | Joaquina | Cadence | Hadad | Dameon | Kimbro | Abdel Ati | Adriana | Sujit | Barrett | Achab |