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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 206 of 422) 

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Huz  (Biblical)
Counsel, Woods, Fastened
Huzoth  (Biblical)
Streets, Populous
Huzzab  (Biblical)
Hvergelmir  (Norse)
Home of Nidhug
Hwaeteleah  (English)
From the Wheat Feild
Hweolere  (English)
Wheel Maker
Hwertun  (English)
From the Estate at the Hollow
Hwistlere  (English)
Hwitby  (English)
From the White Farmstead
Hwitcomb  (English)
From the White Hollow
Hwitcumb  (English)
From the White Hollow
Hwitford  (English)
From the White Ford
Hwithloew  (English)
From the White Hill
Hwitloc  (English)
From the White Fortress
Hy  (Greek)
Diminutive of Hyacinth: from the Flower by the Same Name. in Greek Legend, the Hyacinth Sprouted from the Blood of the Youth Hyacinthus, Who Was Accidentally Killed by Apollo
Hyacinth  (Greek)
From the Flower by the Same Name. in Greek Legend, the Hyacinth Sprouted from the Blood of the Youth Hyacinthus, Who Was Accidentally Killed by Apollo
Hyacinthusr  (Greek)
Hyancinthe  (Greek)
Hyatt  (English)
From the High Gate. Surname
Hydd  (Welsh)
Hyde  (English)
From the Hide
Hylas  (Greek)
Son of Theiodamas
Hyman  (Hebrew)
Hymen  (Greek)
God of Marriage
Hymeneus  (Biblical)
Nuptial; the God of Marriage
Hymie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Hyman: Life
Hyperion  (Greek)
A Titan
Hypnos  (Greek)
God of Sleep
Hyroniemus  (Latin)
Holy Man
Hywel  (Welsh)
Iachimo  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' an Italian Friend to Philario
Iagan  (Scottish)
Variant Spelling of Aodhagan (Little Fire), a Diminutive Form of Aodh (Fire). Var: Egan. (Ee-gan)
Iago  (Latin)
Iain  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of John
Iakovos  (Hebrew)
Ian  (Scottish)
Gift from God the Gaelic Form of the Name John
Iaokim  (Hebrew)
God Will Estahlish
Iapetus  (Greek)
A Titan
Iasion  (Greek)
Father of Plutus
Iason  (Greek)
Iassen  (Bulgaria)
Ash Tree
Iau  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Zeus 'Life'
Iavor  (Bulgaria)
Ib  (Phoenician)
Oath of Baol
Ibaad  (Islamic)
Believer in God
Iban  (Basque)
God's Gracious Gift (Jon)
Ibhanan  (Indian)
elephant faced
Ibhar  (Biblical)
Election; He That is Chosen
Ibleam  (Biblical)
Ancient People, People Decreasing
Ibneiah  (Biblical)
The Building of the Lord; the Understanding of the Lord; Son by Adoption
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 206 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Aleferede | Arturo | Erryl | Elizabeth | Guebers | NewIyn | Paige | Alijiah | Abhinivesh | Pat | Torrad | Julienne | Jogbehah | Trevan | Nana |