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Names That Mean Emini

1410 names found for "Emini"   (page 25 of 29) 

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Looking for names that mean Emini? We couldn't find the exact name Emini, but listed below are some first names meaning Emini or names similar to the word Emini.

Similar Names

Eman | Emi | EmIyn | Eoin | Emene |

Related Names

Netta  (Scottish)
A Feminine Form of Neil ('A Champion' or 'Cloud'). (Neh-tah)
Nicea  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas
Nichol  (French)
Feminine of Nicholas 'People's Victory.'
Nichol  (French)
Feminine of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nichola  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas: People's Victory. St. Nicholas is the Patron Saint of Children, Sailors, and Pawnbrokers - Santa Claus is Based on This Saint
Nichole  (French)
Feminine of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicia  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas
Nicola  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicola  (Italian)
Feminine of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicole  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicole  (French)
Victory of People, Prevailing Among the People (Nichole, Nicholette) (Feminine Form of Nicholas). Origin: Greek
Nicoletta  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas
Nicolette  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas: People's Victory
Nicolette  (English)
The People's Victory (French Feminine Form of Nicholas). Origin: Greek
Nielsine  (Danish)
Feminine of Neils
Niki  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas
Nikolia  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Nicholas
Noele  (French)
Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly Refers to Christ's Birth and Christmas Festival
Noeleen  (French)
Feminine Form of Noel: Christmas
Noeline  (French)
Feminine Form of Noel: Christmas
Noell  (French)
Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly Refers to Christ's Birth and Christmas Festival
Noell  (French)
Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly Refers to Christ's Birth and Christmas Festival
Noelle  (French)
Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly Refers to Christ's Birth and Christmas Festival
Nola  (Irish)
Famous; Noble - Feminine Form of Nolan. Also Can Be a Diminutive of Finola: Fair Shoulders
Nola  (Gaelic)
Feminine of Nolan (Noble) or Variant Abbreviation of Fenella from Fiona: Fair
Nolana  (Gaelic)
Feminine of Nolan (Noble) or Variant Abbreviation of Fenella from Fiona: Fair
Nolene  (English)
Feminine of Nolan 'Noble' or Variant Abbreviation of 'Fenella' from Fiona, Meaning Fair
Nora  (Scottish)
A Feminine Form of Norman (Norseman, Man from the North). Vairiations: Norah. (Nor-ah)
Norma  (English)
Feminine Form of Norman
Norma  (Latin)
Rule; Pattern. Can Also Be a Feminine Form of Norman: from the North
Normina  (Scottish)
A Feminine Form of Norman (Norseman, Man from the North). Short Forms: Mina. (Nor-mee-nah)
Octaviana  (Latin)
Eighth. Feminine of Octavius. A Clan Name of Roman Emperors
Odette  (German)
Variant of Ottilia: of the Fatherland; Fortunate Heroine. Can Also Be a Feminine Variant of Odo: Wealthy
Odile  (German)
Elfin Spear. Can Also Be a Feminine Variant of Odo: Wealthy, or of Ottilia: of the Fatherland; Fortunate Heroine
Olexa  (English)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Olexa  (Greek)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Olexa  (Czechoslovakian)
Feminine of Alexander
Ottilie  (German)
Elfin Spear. Can Also Be a Feminine Variant of Odo: Wealthy, or of Ottilia: of the Fatherland; Fortunate Heroine
Owena  (Welsh)
Feminine Form of Owen: Young Warrior. Also Can Be a Variant of Eugene: Well-born
Panya  (Russian)
Feminine Form of Stephan: Crowned With Laurels
Patricia  (Scottish)
A Patrician, an Aristocrat; Feminine Form of Patrick
Patricia  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Patrick: Regal; Noble
Paula  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Paul: Little; Small
Paulette  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Paul: Little; Small
Pauline  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Paul: Little; Small
Pavla  (Czechoslovakian)
Feminine Form of Pavlov
Pedrine  (Danish)
Feminine of Pedar
Pepita  (Spanish)
Spanish Feminine Form of Joseph: He (God) Shall Add
Pepita  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Joseph: May Jehovah Add and Give Increase
Peta  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Peter: Stone; Rock
1410 names found for "Emini"   (page 25 of 29) 

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Additional Names

Aparimita | Rune | Cailin | Twitchel | Cherethites | Apocalypse | Nikkol | Yisreal | Malvolio | Lynn | Dulcia | Maren | Lila | Sadducees | Thurleah |