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Names That Mean Emini

1410 names found for "Emini"   (page 26 of 29) 

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Looking for names that mean Emini? We couldn't find the exact name Emini, but listed below are some first names meaning Emini or names similar to the word Emini.

Similar Names

Eman | Emi | EmIyn | Eoin | Emene |

Related Names

Petra  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Peter: Stone; Rock
Petrina  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Peter: Stone; Rock
Petrine  (Danish)
Feminine of Pedar
Philippa  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Philip: Lover of Horses
Philippa  (Greek)
Lover of Horses, Sporting, Stoical, Handsome. Feminine Form of Philip (Felipa, Pippa, Filipa, Phillippa)
Phillipa  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Philip: Lover of Horses
Phillippa  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Philip: Lover of Horses
Pierretta  (French)
Feminine Form of Pierre
Pierrette  (French)
Feminine Form of Pierre
Ragnara  (Swedish)
Feminine Form of Ragnor: Strong Army
Ragnhild  (Swedish)
Feminine Form of Ragnor: Strong Army
Raina  (German)
Feminine Form of Rayner: Counsel; Mighty Army
Raine  (German)
Feminine Form of Rayner: Counsel; Mighty Army
Ramona  (German)
Feminine Form of Raymond: Counsel; Mighty Protection; Guards Wisely
Randi  (English)
Feminine of Randall (Randie, Randyl
Raphaela  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Raphael
Raymonde  (German)
Feminine Form of Raymond: Counsel; Mighty Protection; Guards Wisely
Rena  (English)
Diminutive of Feminine Names Ending in -rena
RenTe  (French)
Feminine Form of Rent: Reborn
Rhoda  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Roderick (Famous King). Variations: Rodina. Short Forms: Dina. (Ro-dah)
Rica  (Norse)
Diminutive of Erica: Feminine Form of Eric: Forever Strong
Richenda  (German)
Feminine Form of Richard: Hard Ruler
Richmal  (German)
Feminine Form of Richard: Hard Ruler
Ricki  (Norse)
Diminutive of Erica: Feminine Form of Eric: Forever Strong
Rika  (Norse)
Diminutive of Erica: Feminine Form of Eric: Forever Strong
Rikka  (Finnish)
Feminine Form of Rikkard
Rikki  (Norse)
Diminutive of Erica: Feminine Form of Eric: Forever Strong
Rina  (English)
Diminutive of Feminine Names Ending in -rina
Roberta  (German)
Feminine Form of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Robin  (English)
Feminine Form of Robert (Robyn, Robbin)
Robina  (German)
Feminine Form of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Robina  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Robin, Which is a Pet Form of Robert (Bright Fame). Variations: Robena. (Ro'Bee-nah)
Robyn  (German)
Feminine Form of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Roma  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Roman (Romaine, Romana, Remayne)
Rona  (Scottish)
Of Uncertain Derivation, Rona Can Be a Feminine Form of Ronald (Wise Ruler, Powerful Ruler) or a Borrowing of the Name of a Hebridean Island. Variations: Rhona. (Ro-nah)
Ronalda  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Ronald: Mighty Counselor/Ruler
Ronalda  (Scottish)
Ruler of Decision or 'Judgment Power'; a Feminine Form of Ronald. (Rah-nahl-dah)
Ronna  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Ronald: Mighty Counselor/Ruler
Ronnette  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Ronald: Mighty Counselor/Ruler
Rory  (Irish)
Feminine Form of Robert
Rosslyn  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Ross: Promontory. from the Peninsula. A Scottish Place Name and Surname
Ruperta  (German)
Feminine Form of Rupert: Famed; Bright; Shining
Sacha  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Sacha  (Russian)
Russian Feminine Variant of Alexander: Defender of Men
Sachenka  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Sachka  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Sandra  (Greek)
Variant of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain Since Early Th Century; it Became Popular After the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra
Sandra  (English)
Unheeded Prophetess. A Diminutive of Casirnir, Cassandra, or Catherine. in Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's Prediction of the Fall of Troy Was Unheeded. Also Used As an Independent Name. Also a Feminin
Sandy  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Sascha  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
1410 names found for "Emini"   (page 26 of 29) 

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Additional Names

Len | Erwina | Trissie | Will | Sayres | Veer | Leila | Kalkin | Maghnus | Asenka | Kiri | Addin | Dusan | Boot | Shiloh |