Looking for names that mean Emini? We couldn't find the exact name Emini, but listed below are some first names meaning Emini or names similar to the word Emini.
Thyra(Scandinavian) Feminine Name in Honour of the Norse God of War, Tyr
Timothea(Greek) Feminine Form of Timothy: God's Honour; God Fearing
Tina(English) A Diminutive of Any Feminine Name Ending in -tina, But is Now Also Popular As an Independent First Name
Toni(French) Diminutive of Antoinette: Beyond Praise. French Feminine Form of Anthony
Toni(English) Feminine Form of Anthony. Abbreviation of Antonia and Antoinette
Tonia(English) Feminine Form of Anthony. Abbreviation of Antonia and Antoinette
Tonya(English) Feminine Form of Anthony. Abbreviation of Antonia and Antoinette
Totty(French) Diminutive of Charlotte: a Feminine Form of Charles, Meaning Man. Alternate Meaning, Tiny and Feminine. Famous Bearers: Princess Charlotte, Daughter of King George Iv; British Writer Charlotte Bronte
Trista(English) Feminine of Tristan 'Noisy;Full of Sorrows' And/Or a Rhyming Variant of Christa
Trista(English) Feminine of Tristan: Noisy;Full of Sorrows. Also a Rhyming Variant of Christa
Tristen(English) Feminine of Tristan: Noisy;Full of Sorrows. Also a Rhyming Variant of Christa
Tristina(English) Feminine of Tristan: Noisy;Full of Sorrows. Also a Rhyming Variant of Christa
Tristyn(Welsh) Feminine of Tristan: Noisy;Full of Sorrows