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Names That Mean Emini

1410 names found for "Emini"   (page 27 of 29) 

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Looking for names that mean Emini? We couldn't find the exact name Emini, but listed below are some first names meaning Emini or names similar to the word Emini.

Similar Names

Eman | Emi | EmIyn | Eoin | Emene |

Related Names

Sasha  (English)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Sasha  (Greek)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Searlait  (Irish)
Feminine Form of Charles: Mannish, Manly
Sebastiana  (Italian)
Feminine Form of Sebastiano: Revered
Sebastiene  (Italian)
Feminine Form of Sebastiano: Revered
Selma  (Teutonic)
Divine Helmet. A Feminine Derivative of Anselm
Selma  (German)
Feminine Diminutive of Anselm: God's Helmet
Seonag  (Scottish)
God is Gracious; a Gaelic Form of Joan, a Feminine Form of John (God is Gracious). See Joan. (Sho-nah)
Septima  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Septimus: Born Seventh. Name Given to the Seventh Child Born to a Large Family
Shani  (Irish)
Present. Also a Feminine Form of Sean: Irish Variant of John: God is Gracious; Gift from God
Sharlene  (English)
Feminine Variant of Charles Meaning Manly
Shauna  (Irish)
Present. Also a Feminine Form of Sean: Irish Variant of John: God is Gracious; Gift from God
Shawna  (Irish)
Present. Also a Feminine Form of Sean: Irish Variant of John: God is Gracious; Gift from God
Sheelagh  (Latin)
Variant of Celia: from the Latin Caelia, Which is a Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Caelius, Meaning Heavenly, or of the Heavens. Also a Variant or Dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous Bearer: British
Sheena  (Scottish)
God is Gracious; an Anglicized Form of Sine, the Scottish Gaelic Form of Jane, Which is a Feminine Form of John (God is Gracious)
Sheena  (English)
Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favour. A Feminine Form of John. Variant of Joan. from the Old French Jehane. Famous Bearer: American Actress Jayne Mansfield (-)
Sheila  (Latin)
Variant of Celia: from the Latin Caelia, Which is a Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Caelius, Meaning Heavenly, or of the Heavens. Also a Variant or Dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous Bearer: British
Shelagh  (Latin)
Variant of Celia: from the Latin Caelia, Which is a Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Caelius, Meaning Heavenly, or of the Heavens. Also a Variant or Dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous Bearer: British
Sheminith  (Biblical)
Eighth (An Eight-stringed Instrument)
Sheminith  (Biblical)
Eighth (An Eight-stringed Instrument)
Shon  (Gaelic)
Feminine Form of John: God is Gracious
Sian  (English)
Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favour. A Feminine Form of John. Variant of Joan. from the Old French Jehane. Famous Bearer: American Actress Jayne Mansfield (-)
Sierra  (Irish)
Dark. Feminine of Ciaran
Silvana  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Silvanus: of the Forest. God of Trees and Forests
Simona  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Simon: Snub-nosed
Simone  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Simon: Snub-nosed
Simone  (Hebrew)
One Who Hears, a Feminine Form of Simon
Sine  (Gaelic)
Feminine Form of Sean
Sinead  (English)
Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favour. A Feminine Form of John. Variant of Joan. from the Old French Jehane. Famous Bearer: American Actress Jayne Mansfield (-)
Siobhan  (English)
Variant of Joan: God is Gracious. Feminine Form of John Famous Bearers: Legendary Pope Joan, Who Was a Woman Masquerading As a Man; French Heroine Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc); Actresses Joan Crawford,
Sissie  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher
Sissie  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of Any Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: a Feminine Fo
Sissy  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher
Sissy  (English)
Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of Any Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: a Feminine Fo
Sorina  (Danish)
Feminine Form of Sorin
Sorine  (Danish)
Feminine Form of Sorin
Stacey  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Eustace: Fruitful, Productive. Diminutive of Anastasia: Resurrection. One Who Will Be Reborn
Stefanie  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Stephen: Crown; Victorious
Stefanya  (Russian)
Feminine Form of Stephan: Crowned With Laurels. Note: 'This Database is Copyright Muse Creations Inc. '
Stephania  (Russian)
Feminine Form of Stephan: Crowned With Laurels
Stephanie  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Stephen: Crown; Victorious
Stesha  (Russian)
Feminine Form of Stephan: Crowned With Laurels
Stevie  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Stephen: Crown; Victorious
Tahna  (Russian)
Abbreviation of Tatiana Which is Feminine of the Roman Family Clan Name Tatius
Tahnee  (Russian)
Abbreviation of Tatiana Which is Feminine of the Roman Family Clan Name Tatius
Taina  (Scandinavian)
Abbreviation of Tatiana Which is Feminine of the Roman Family Clan Name Tatius
Tammy  (English)
A Diminutive of Any Feminine Name Beginning With 'Tam-'
Tania  (English)
Abbreviation of Tatiana Which is Feminine of the Roman Family Clan Name Tatius
Taruni  (Hindu)
Beautiful Teenager; Feminine Form of Tarun (Teenager)
Tatiana  (Russian)
Feminine of Roman Family Clan Name Tatius. A Saint's Name
1410 names found for "Emini"   (page 27 of 29) 

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Additional Names

Orguelleuse | Linley | Gellert | Chitraksh | Fanchone | Haziq | Zaine | Tatiana | Deman | Lin | Osbourne | Jonathon | Anantram | Matvey | Kuper |