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Names That Mean Bear

1332 names found for "Bear"   (page 12 of 27) 

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Looking for names that mean Bear? We couldn't find the exact name Bear, but listed below are some first names meaning Bear or names similar to the word Bear.

Similar Names

Baari | Babar | Bar | Bari | Barr | Bary | Beer | Beera | Beeri | Beor |

Related Names

Daff  (Greek)
Diminutive of Daphne: Bay Tree, or Laurel Tree. The Greek Mythological Nymph Daphne Was Rescued from the Unwanted Attentions of the God Apollo by Being Turned into a Laurel Bush. Famous Bearer: Britis
Daimen  (Greek)
Variant of Damon: Gentle. to Tame. A Variant of Damian. in Greek Legend Damon Was a Loyal Friend of Pythias. Famous Bearer in Modern Times: American Author Damon Runyon
Daimon  (Greek)
Variant of Damon: Gentle. to Tame. A Variant of Damian. in Greek Legend Damon Was a Loyal Friend of Pythias. Famous Bearer in Modern Times: American Author Damon Runyon
Dalila  (Greek)
Water Bearer
Dalila  (Hebrew)
Desired; Languishing. Famous Bearer: Biblical Delilah Tempted Samson into Revealing the Secret of His Superhuman Strength
Daman  (Greek)
Variant of Damon: Gentle. to Tame. A Variant of Damian. in Greek Legend Damon Was a Loyal Friend of Pythias. Famous Bearer in Modern Times: American Author Damon Runyon
Damara  (Latin)
Gentle. Famous Bearer: Biblical Damaris Was the Educated Woman Who Heard Paul Speak at the Open-air Supreme Court of Athens
Damaress  (Latin)
Gentle. Famous Bearer: Biblical Damaris Was the Educated Woman Who Heard Paul Speak at the Open-air Supreme Court of Athens
Damaris  (Latin)
Gentle. Famous Bearer: Biblical Damaris Was the Educated Woman Who Heard Paul Speak at the Open-air Supreme Court of Athens
Damariss  (Latin)
Gentle. Famous Bearer: Biblical Damaris Was the Educated Woman Who Heard Paul Speak at the Open-air Supreme Court of Athens
Damon  (Greek)
Gentle. to Tame. A Variant of Damian. in Greek Legend Damon Was a Loyal Friend of Pythias. Famous Bearer in Modern Times: American Author Damon Runyon
Dante  (Italian)
A Diminutive of Durante, the Italian Form of Durand Meaning Enduring. Famous Bearer: the Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote 'The Divine Comedy' With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's
Daph  (Greek)
Diminutive of Daphne: Bay Tree, or Laurel Tree. The Greek Mythological Nymph Daphne Was Rescued from the Unwanted Attentions of the God Apollo by Being Turned into a Laurel Bush. Famous Bearer: Britis
Daphne  (Greek)
Bay Tree, or Laurel Tree. The Greek Mythological Nymph Daphne Was Rescued from the Unwanted Attentions of the God Apollo by Being Turned into a Laurel Bush. Famous Bearer: British Author Daphne Du Mau
Darren  (English)
Great. Origin Uncertain. Famous Bearer: S Husband of Samantha in the American Television Sitcom 'Bewitched'
Daveed  (Hebrew)
Variant of David: Cherished. Famous Bearers: British Pop Star David Bowie, American Talk-show Host David Letterman
Davidek  (Hebrew)
Variant of David: Cherished. Famous Bearers: British Pop Star David Bowie, American Talk-show Host David Letterman
Davy  (English)
Beloved or Friend. A Diminutive of David. Famous Bearer: American Frontiersman Davy Crockett
Deaclan  (Irish)
Variant of Declan: Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish St. Declan
Dean  (English)
From a Surname Derived from the Old English 'Denu', Meaning Valley. Famous Bearers: American Actor and Singer Dean Martin, American Statesman Dean Acheson
Deanna  (Latin)
Variant of Diana: Fertile. God, Devine. Famous Bearer: Diana Was the Roman Goddess of Fertility and Childbirth, of Hunting, and the Moon
Declan  (Irish)
Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish St. Declan
Delphine  (French)
Dolphin. Derived from the Greek Name. Famous Bearer: a Thirteenth-century French Saint
Demelza  (English)
Fortified. A Cornish Place Name Sometimes Used As a First Name. Famous Bearer: Demelza Was the Heroine of British Author Winston Graham's Poldark Novels
Denholm  (English)
Valley Island. Derived from a Surname and Place Name. Famous Bearer: British Actor Denholm Elliott
Derek  (English)
Gifted Ruler. People Ruler. Variant of the Old German Theodoricfamous Bearer: Derrick Was a Th Century Hangman at Tyhurn, Whose Name Became Synonymous With 'Gallows' and Now Refers to a Type of Crane.
Dermot  (Irish)
Free from Envy. from Diarmait or Diarmuid. Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish King Dermot Macmurrough
Derrick  (English)
Gifted Ruler. People Ruler. Variant of the Old German Theodoric. Famous Bearer: Derrick Was a Th Century Hangman at Tyhurn, Whose Name Became Synonymous With Gallows and Now Refers to a Type of Crane
Derry  (English)
Diminutive of Derek: Gifted Ruler. People Ruler. Variant of the Old German Theodoric. Famous Bearer: Derrick Was a Th Century Hangman at Tyhurn, Whose Name Became Synonymous With Gallows and Now Refer
Desdemona  (Greek)
Misery. Unlucky. Famous Bearer: Desdemona Was the Heroine of Shakespeare's Play 'Othello'
Desiree  (French)
Desired. The One Desired. Famous Bearer: Napoleon Bonaparte's Mistress
Desmond  (Irish)
From South Munster. Famous Bearer: Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Of South Africa)
Desmund  (Irish)
Variant of Desmond: from South Munster. Famous Bearer: Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Of South Africa)
Dezmond  (Irish)
Variant of Desmond: from South Munster. Famous Bearer: Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Of South Africa)
Di  (Latin)
Diminutive of Diana: Fertile. God, Devine. Famous Bearer: the Late Lady Diana Spencer, Often Called 'Lady Di', Married British Prince Charles and Became Princess Diana of Wales
Diana  (Latin)
Fertile. God, Devine. Famous Bearers: Diana Was the Roman Goddess of Fertility and Childbirth, of Hunting, and the Moon. The Late Lady Diana Spencer, Often Called 'Lady Di', Married British Prince Cha
Diane  (French)
The French Form of the Latin Diana. Famous Bearer: Diane De Poitiers, Mistress of France's King Henri Ii.Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Dep
Dianne  (French)
The French Form of the Latin Diana. Famous Bearer: Diane De Poitiers, Mistress of France's King Henri Ii.Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Dep
Diego  (Spanish)
Hispanic Version of James: Supplanter; He That Replaces. Famous Bearer: Famed Mexican Artist Diego Rivera
Dina  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinah  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinora  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinorah  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dirk  (Dutch)
A Diminutive of Derek Meaning People Ruler. Famous Bearer: British Actor Dirk Bogarde. A Dutch Forms of Theodoric
Dirk  (English)
Variant of Derek: Gifted Ruler. People Ruler. Variant of the Old German Theodoric. Famous Bearer: Derrick Was a Th Century Hangman at Tyhurn, Whose Name Became Synonymous With 'Gallows' and Now Refers
Dodie  (English)
A Diminutive of Dorothy, Meaning Gift of God. Famous Bearer: British Writer Dodie Smith, Author of the Children's Story Which Became Walt Disney's Film One Hundred and One Dalmatians
Dodya  (Hebrew)
Variant of David: Cherished. Famous Bearers: British Pop Star David Bowie, American Talk-show Host David Letterman
Dolly  (English)
Diminutive of Dorothy, Meaning Gift of God. Famous Bearer: Heroine of the Famous Film, Hello, Dolly
Dominic  (Latin)
From Dominkus, Meaning 'Of the Lord'. Famous Bearer: St Dominic Founded the Dominican Order of Preaching Friars
Dominica  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Dominic: from Dominkus, Meaning 'Of the Lord'. Famous Bearer: St Dominic Founded the Dominican Order of Preaching Friars
1332 names found for "Bear"   (page 12 of 27) 

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Additional Names

Miranda | Thelma | Fearchar | Urja | Jachin | Coleta | Acheron | Gavrila | Birkit | Balamani | Oni | Pentecost | Christopher | Debashish | Azure |