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Names That Mean Bear

1332 names found for "Bear"   (page 14 of 27) 

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Looking for names that mean Bear? We couldn't find the exact name Bear, but listed below are some first names meaning Bear or names similar to the word Bear.

Similar Names

Baari | Babar | Bar | Bari | Barr | Bary | Beer | Beera | Beeri | Beor |

Related Names

Edgard  (English)
Variant of Edgar: Wealthy Man Holding a Spear. Famous Bearer: Edgar Allen Poe, Famous for His Dark Poetry and Frightening Stories
Edgardo  (English)
Variant of Edgar: Wealthy Man Holding a Spear. Famous Bearer: Edgar Allen Poe, Famous for His Dark Poetry and Frightening Stories
Edith  (English)
Happy Warfare. Spoils of War. from the Old English Name Eadgyth, Meaning Rich or Happy, and War. Famous Bearer: Nun St Edith (Eadgyth); the Poet Dame Edith Sitwell. Happy Warfare. Spoils of War
Edward  (English)
Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Famous Bearer: King Edward the Elder, Son of Alfred the Great; Edward Viii, Who Abdicated in to Be With the D
Edwin  (English)
Rich in Friendship. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend. Famous Bearers: the Hero of Charles Dickens' Last Novel, 'Edwin Drood'
Eferhild  (English)
Bear or Warrior Maiden
Eferhilda  (English)
Bear or Warrior Maiden
Egbert  (English)
Intelligent. Old English 'Ecg', Meaning Sword, and 'Beorht', Meaning Bright. Famous Bearer: King Egbert of Wessex, Who Held Sway Over All the Kingdoms of England for a Short Part of His Reign
Egidio  (Greek)
Shield Bearer
Eileen  (Latin)
Variant of Evelina: Latinized Form of the Old German Name Avelina. Famous Bearer: Fanny Burney's Novel 'Evelina'
Eli  (Hebrew)
High, Ascended, or 'My God'. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Priest Eli Cared for the Prophet Samuel When Samuel Was a Child
Elijah  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is God. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Prophet Elijah
Elinor  (French)
A Variant Spelling of Eleanor. Famous Bearers: Elinor Was One of the Heroines in Jane Austen's Novel 'sense and Sensibihiy'
Elise  (Greek)
Variant of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Known
Elisha  (Hebrew)
God is Salvation. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Prophet Elisha Was a Disciple and Successor of Elijah
Elissa  (English)
Variant of Elizabeth: My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty. Famous Bearer: Dido, Queen of Carthage, Was Known As Elissa
Eliza  (English)
My God is Bountiful. God of Plenty. A Diminutive of Elizabeth Frequently Used As an Independent Name. Famous Bearer: Eliza Doolittle, the Cockney Heroine of George Bernard Shaw's Play 'Pygmalion', fro
Eliza  (Greek)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Kno
Elizabeth  (Greek)
From the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Known Bearers of This Name;
Elkanah  (Hebrew)
God Has Created. Famous Bearer: Elkanah, the Old Testament Father of the Prophet Samuel
Elki  (Native American)
Bear Displays
Ella  (English)
Abbreviation of Eleanor and Ellen: Beautiful Fairy. A Diminutive of Feminine Names Begining With El or Ending With Ella. Famous Bearer: American Jazz Singer Ella Fitzgerald; American Poet Ella Wheeler
Ellen  (English)
A Variant of the Greek Helen, Meaning Shining Light, or Most Beautiful Woman. Famous Bearer: British Actress Dame Ellen Terry
Ellery  (English)
Joyful, Happy. Famous Bearer: Ellery Queen, the Hero of a Series of Detective Stories Written by Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee
Elmer  (English)
A Variant of Aylmer. Famous Bearer: Ebenezer and Jonathan Elmer Were Two Famous American Brothers Who Played an Important Role in the American War of Independence
Elton  (English)
From the Old Town. A Surname and Place Name. Famous Bearer: Elton John
Elvira  (Spanish)
Truth. White or Beautiful. Famous Bearers: the Heroine of Noel Coward's Play 'Blithe Spirit'; a Character in the Legend of Don Juan
Elvis  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Alvis: Origin Uncertain, But May Be from Scandanavian Meaning All-wise. Alvis Occurs in Norse Mythology. Famous Bearer: Late 'King of Rock and Roll' Elvis Presley
Emile  (French)
Industrious. from the Roman Family Name Aemilius. Famous Bearer: French Writer Emile Zola
Emily  (French)
Feminine Form of Emile: Industrious. from the Roman Family Name Aemilius. Famous Bearer: French Writer Emile Zola
Emlyn  (Welsh)
Industrious. Welsh Version of the Latin Aemilianus. Also, from the Welsh Place Name Newcastle Emlyn. Famous Bearer: Welsh Actor and Dramatist Emlyn Williams
Emma  (German)
Whole. Complete. Universal. Old German 'Ermin' or 'Irmin', Meaning Universal. Famous Bearer: S Television Character Emma Peel in 'The Avengers'; Lady Emma Hamilton, Mistress to Lord Horatio Nelson
Emmeline  (French)
Industrious. Hardworking. from the Old French Ameline, Derived from Old German 'Amal' Meaning Labor. Famous Bearer: British Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst
Ena  (English)
Variant of Ina: a Diminutive of Any Names Ending in 'Ina' or 'Ena' Used As a Nickname. Famous Bearer: in Queen Victoria's Granddaughter Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena, Known As Princess Ena, Became Queen
Enid  (Arthurian Legend)
From the Welsh 'Enaid, ' Meaning Soul or Life. Also Faithful or Abused Wife. Famous Bearer: Children's Writer Enid Blyton
Enoch  (Hebrew)
Dedicated, Trained. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Father of Methuselah Was Named Enoch; British Politician Enoch Powell
Enyeto  (Native American)
The Bear's Manner of Walking
Enyeto  (Native American)
Walks As a Bear
Eoforwic  (English)
From the Bear Estate
Eoghan  (Greek)
Variant of Eugene: Well-born. Famous Bearer: Prince Eugene of Savoy; American Playwright Eugene O'Neill
Ephraim  (Hebrew)
Fruitful. Famous Bearer: One of the Biblical Old Testament Joseph's Sons
Ephratah  (Biblical)
Abundance, Bearing Fruit
Ephrath  (Biblical)
Abundance, Bearing Fruit
Erasmus  (Greek)
Desired or Beloved, Worthy of Love. Famous Bearer: St Erasmus (St. Elmo) is the Patron Saint of Sailors, for Whom St Elmo's Fire is Named; Charles Darwin's Grandfather, British Physician and Poet Eras
Erek  (Norse)
Variant of Eric: Ruler of the People. Famous Bearer: Popular Blues Guitarist/Singer Eric Clapton
Eric  (Norse)
Ever or Eternal Ruler. Island Ruler. Famous Bearer: Norwegian Explorer Eric the Red
Erich  (Norse)
Variant of Eric: Ruler of the People. Famous Bearer: Popular Blues Guitarist/Singer Eric Clapton
Erick  (Norse)
Variant of Eric: Ruler of the People. Famous Bearer: Popular Blues Guitarist/Singer Eric Clapton
Erico  (Norse)
Variant of Eric: Ruler of the People. Famous Bearer: Popular Blues Guitarist/Singer Eric Clapton
Erics  (Norse)
Feminine Form of Eric: Ever or Eternal Ruler. Island Ruler. Famous Bearer: Norwegian Explorer Eric the Red
1332 names found for "Bear"   (page 14 of 27) 

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Additional Names

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