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Names That Mean Bear

1332 names found for "Bear"   (page 18 of 27) 

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Looking for names that mean Bear? We couldn't find the exact name Bear, but listed below are some first names meaning Bear or names similar to the word Bear.

Similar Names

Baari | Babar | Bar | Bari | Barr | Bary | Beer | Beera | Beeri | Beor |

Related Names

Gladys  (Welsh)
Derived from the Old Welsh Name Gwladys, a Variant of Claudia, Meaning Lame. Also Derived from the Welsh 'Gwledig', Meaning Territorial Ruler. Famous Bearer: British Actress Dame Gladys Cooper
Glen  (Gaelic)
Derived from the Gaelic 'Gleana', Meaning Valley. Used Both As a Surname and Given Name. Famous Bearer: American Singer Glen Campbell
Glenda  (Welsh)
Derived from a Compound of Words Meaning Holy and Good. Famous Bearer: British Actress Glenda Jackson
Glenn  (Gaelic)
Derived from the Gaelic 'Gleana', Meaning Valley. Used Both As a Surname and Given Name. Famous Bearer: Canadian Actor Glenn Ford
Glenn  (Gaelic)
From the Glen. Valley. Variant of Glenna. Famous Bearer: Actress Glenn Close
Gloria  (Latin)
Glory. Famous Bearer: a Character in Playright George Bernard Shaw's 'You Never Can Tell', and American Actress Gloria Swanson
Glynis  (Welsh)
Little Valley. Famous Bearer: British Twentieth Century Actress Glynis Johns
Golda  (Israeli)
The Precious Metal. Variant of Goldie. Famous Bearer: Late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir
Goldie  (English)
The Precious Metal Gold. Gilded. Famous Bearer: American Actress Goldie Hawn
Grace  (English)
From the Word 'Grace', Derived from the Latin 'Gratia', Meaning God's Favor. Famous Bearer: American Actress Grace Kelly Became Princess Grace of Monaco
Graeme  (Scottish)
This Scottish Surname is a Variant of the Lincolnshire Place Name Grantham, Meaning Grant's Homestead, or Farm Home, and is Also a Common Given Name. Famous Bearer: British Writer Graham Greene
Graham  (Scottish)
This Scottish Surname is a Variant of the Lincolnshire Place Name Grantham, Meaning Grant's Homestead, and is Also a Common Given Name. Famous Bearer: British Writer Graham Greene
Grahame  (Scottish)
This Scottish Surname is a Variant of the Lincolnshire Place Name Grantham, Meaning Grant's Homestead, or Farm Home, and is Also a Common Given Name. Famous Bearer: British Writer Graham Greene
Grant  (Scottish)
Originally a Scottish Surname Derived from the French 'Grand', Meaning Tall or Great. Now Common Both As a Surname and Given Name. Famous Bearer: American President Ulysses S. Grant
Greg  (Greek)
Diminutive of Gregory: Watchful. Famous Bearer: American Actor Gregory Peck, and Pope Gregory I Who Was Also Known As St Gregory the Great
Gregg  (Greek)
Diminutive of Gregory: Watchful. Famous Bearer: American Actor Gregory Peck, and Pope Gregory I Who Was Also Known As St Gregory the Great
Gregory  (Greek)
Watchful. Famous Bearer: American Actor Gregory Peck, and Pope Gregory I Who Was Also Known As St Gregory the Great
Greta  (Persian)
Variant of Margaret: Child of Light. Famous Bearer: Margaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Greta  (Swedish)
A Diminutive of Margaret, Meaning Pearl. Famous Bearer: Swedish Actress Greta Garbo
Gretchen  (Persian)
Variant of Margaret: Child of Light. Famous Bearer: Margaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Gretel  (Persian)
Variant of Margaret: Child of Light. Famous Bearer: Margaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Gretel  (German)
Diminutive of Margaret, Meaning Pearl. Famous Bearer: Heroine of the German Folk Tale 'Hansel and Gretel'
Gricie  (English)
A Diminutive of Grace, Meaning Love. Famous Bearer: Dame Gracie Fields
Grover  (English)
Grove Dweller. Used As Both Surname and Given Name. Famous Bearer: American President Grover Cleveland
Gunnbjorn  (Norse)
Fighting Bear
Gunter  (German)
From an Old German Name Meaning War or Battle. Famous Bearer: Twentieth Century German Writer Gunter Grass
Gussie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Augusta: Majestic, Grand. The Feminine Form of Augustus; Meaning Majestic Dignity or Venerable, Originally Given to Female Relatives of Roman Emperors. Famous Bearer: British King George
Gusta  (Latin)
Diminutive of Augusta: Majestic, Grand. The Feminine Form of Augustus; Meaning Majestic Dignity or Venerable, Originally Given to Female Relatives of Roman Emperors. Famous Bearer: British King George
Guy  (German)
From the Old German Name Wido, Meaning Wood. Famous Bearer: the British Guy Fawkes
Gwilym  (German)
Variant of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Gwylim  (German)
Variant of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Hadrian  (Latin)
From 'Hadrianus' Meaning of Adria or 'Of the Adriatic. Also 'Dark, ' a Variant of Adrian. Famous Bearer: Roman Emperor Hadrian Ordered the Famous Hadrian's Wall Be Built Across Northern England
Hagar  (Hebrew)
Forsaken. Flight. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Maidservant of Sarah, Wife of Abraham
Haidee  (Greek)
Modest, Well-behaved, or Caressed. Famous Bearer: Haidee Was a Character in Byron's Don Juan
Hallbjorn  (Norse)
Rock Bear
Hammond  (German)
Derived from the Old German Word Haimund for House or Home Protector. A Variant of Hamo Used More Frequently As a Surname, Rather Than As a First Name. Famous Bearer: Hammond Innes
Hamnet  (German)
Derived from the Old German Word 'Haimund' for House or Home Protector. A Variant of Hamo. Famous Bearer: the Son of William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway
Harold  (English)
Army Commander. Army, Weald Power. Derivative of Hereweald. Famous Bearers: King Harold Ii of England Who Was Killed in the Battle of Hastings In
Harriet  (English)
Rules the Home. Feminine Form of Harry (From Henry). Famous Bearer: Harriet Beecher Stowe (Uncle Tom's Cabin, ). A Variant of Henrietta
Harry  (English)
A Variant of Henry Meaning Home or House Protector. Also Can Be a Diminutive of Harold: 'Army Commander.'. Army, Weald Power. Famous Bearer: Prince Harry of England (Son of Prince Charles and the Late
Hartley  (English)
From the Stag's Meadow. Stag Wood or Meadow from Old English. Both a Surname and Place Name. Famous Bearer: Late Th Century Poet Hartley Coleridge
Hayley  (English)
Hay Field. from the Hay Meadow. Both a Surname and Place Name. Famous Bearer: Actress Hayley Mills
Hazel  (English)
The Hazel Tree;Nut. A Nut-bearing Shrub; Used Since the Th Century, When Flower and Plant Names Became Fashionable As First Names
Hebe  (Greek)
Youth. in Greek Mythology, Goddess of Youth and Cupbearer to the Gods. Granddaughter of Zeus and Hera
Heidi  (German)
Noble. The German Form of Adelaide. Famous Bearer: Heroine of Johanna Spyri's Classic Children's Novel 'Heidi'
Herb  (German)
Diminutive of Herbert: Illustrious Warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American President Herbert C. Hoover (-)
Herbert  (German)
Illustrious Warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American President Herbert C. Hoover (-)
Herbie  (German)
Diminutive of Herbert: Illustrious Warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American President Herbert C. Hoover (-)
Herman  (German)
Soldier. Army Man. from the Old German Hariman. Famous Bearer: American Writer Herman Melville, Author of Moby Dick
Heskovizenako  (Native American)
Porcupine Bear (Cheyenne)
1332 names found for "Bear"   (page 18 of 27) 

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Additional Names

Abdul Haady | Mhina | Chenche | Armanno | Rozina | Eleta | Crom | Attie | Nickson | Amir | Armenia | Auda | Belicia | Asfour | Ahane |