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Names That Mean Bear |
1332 names found for "Bear" (page 17 of 27) << | < | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | > | |
Looking for names that mean Bear? We couldn't find the exact name Bear, but listed below are some first names meaning Bear or names similar to the word Bear.
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Variant of Frank: a Diminutive of the Latin Francis, Meaning Frenchman or Free One. Famous Bearer: American Singer Frank Sinatra

A Diminutive of the Latin Francis, Meaning Frenchman or Free One. Famous Bearer: American Singer Frank Sinatra

Diminutive of Frank: a Diminutive of the Latin Francis, Meaning Frenchman or Free One. Famous Bearer: American Singer Frank Sinatra

Derived from 'Francoleyn' Meaning a Free Born Landowner. Famous Bearer: American President Franklin D. Roosevelt

From a Scottish Surname Based on a French Place Name. Famous Bearer: British Actor Frazer Hines

Peaceful Ruler. from the Old German Name Frithuric. Famous Bearers: Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, Prussian King Frederick the Great

A Feminine Form of Frederick. Famous Bearer: the Twentieth Century German Wife of British Writer D. H. Lawrence

Man of God. God's Able-bodied One. Famous Bearer: the Archangel Gabriel, Who Appears Several Times in the Bible

God's Reward. Recompense of God. A Biblical Name Adopted by Th Century Puritans. Famous Bearers: American President Warren Gamaliel Harding

Armed With a Spear. Used As Both a Surname and Given Name. Famous Bearer: British Field Marshal Lord Garnet Joseph Wolseley

Hard or Bold Spear. an Irish Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation. Famous Bearer: Irish Statesman Garret Fitzgerald

Derived from a Two Old English Words Meaning Spear and Ruler. Used As Both Surname and Given Name. Famous Bearer: British Actor David Garrick

Diminutive of Garret: Hard or Bold Spear. an Irish Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation. Famous Bearer: Irish Statesman Garret Fitzgerald

Diminutive of Garret: Hard or Bold Spear. an Irish Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation. Famous Bearer: Irish Statesman Garret Fitzgerald

Hard or Bold Spear. A Diminutive of Garret, Which is an English Variant of the German Gerard. Also a Diminutive of Gareth and Garrick Famous Bearer: American Actor Gary Cooper

Abbreviation of Eugene, Meaning Well-born. Famous Bearers: American Actors Gene Kelly and Gene Hackman

Of the Race of Women. White Wave. Famous Bearer: Saint Genevieve is the Patron Saint of Paris, Believed to Have Protected Paris from Attila the Hun

Derived from One of Three Old German Names, Meaning District, Traveler, or Peaceful Pledge. Famous Bearer: Geoffrey Plantagenet Was Father to King Henry Ii; Geoffrey Cbaucer Wrote 'The Canterbury Tale

From 'Georgos' Meaning Tiller of the Soil, or Farmer. Famous Bearer: St George, Patron Saint of England, Who Struggled With a Fire Breathing Dragon Symbolizing the Devil

A French Feminine Form of the Greek George, Meaning Tiller of the Soil, or Farmer. Famous Bearer: British Romance Novelist Georgette Heyer

A Feminine Form of the Greek George, Meaning Tiller of the Soil, or Farmer. Famous Bearer: the American State of Georgia, Named After British King George Ii

Feminine Form of Jermaine: 'German' or 'From Germany', from the French Word, Germain. Famous Bearer: S Feminist Writer Germaine Greer

Diminutive of Geraint: a Variant of the Latin Gerontius, from the Greek 'Geron' Meaning Old. Famous Bearer: Welsh Opera Singer Sir Geraint Evans

Hard or Bold Spear. This Name Was Introduced to England from Germany During the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: British Poet Gerard Manley Hopkins

Diminutive of Geraldine: a Feminine Form of Gerald, Meaning Ruling Spear. Famous Bearer: the Earl of Surrey Wrote a Series of Love Poems Titled, 'The Fair Geraldine', to Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald

From the Old German Name, Meaning Strong Spear. Famous Bearers: Hamlet's Mother in the Shakespearian Tragedy 'Hamlet', and the Seventh Century Abbess St Gertrude of Nivelles, British Actress Gertrude

Servant Spear. This Name is Derived from Combining an Old Gcrman Name Meaning Spear, and the Celtic Word for Servant. Famous Bearer: Martyr St Gervase Who Died in Milan

Destroyer One Who Has a Stump in Place of a Hand. A Hewer. Famous Bearer: the Gideons, a Christian Organization Distributing Bibles to Schools, Hospitals, and Hotels

Bright Pledge. from the Old German Name Gisilbert. Famous Bearer: Twelfth Century British St. Gilbert Founded the Gilbertine Order, Sir W. S. Gilbert Was Half of the Musical Composing Team Gilbert and

An English Variant of the Latin Name Aegidius, Meaning Kid or Goatskin. Famous Bearer: the Sixth Century Hermit St Giles Was Patron Saint of Cripples and Beggars

Servant. Famous Bearer: the Sixth Century Hermit St Giles Was Patron Saint of Cripples and Beggars

A Diminutive of Georgina, Virgina, Eugina, Regina, and Other Names Ending in -gina. Often Used As an Independent Name. Famous Bearer: Twentieth Century Italian Actress Gina Lollobrigida

Variant of Genevieve: of the Race of Women. White Wave. Famous Bearer: Saint Genevieve is the Patron Saint of Paris, Believed to Have Protected Paris from Attila the Hun

A Diminutive of Virginia, Meaning Pure, Chaste, Virginal. A Common Nickname for People With Red Hair. Also Means Pep or Liveliness, Refering to the Pungent Ginger Root. Famous Bearer: American Dancer-
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