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Names That Mean Little

472 names found for "Little"   (page 10 of 10) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Looking for names that mean Little? We couldn't find the exact name Little, but listed below are some first names meaning Little or names similar to the word Little.

Related Names

Vaughn  (Welsh)
Variant of Vaughan: Little
Vibeke  (Danish)
Little Woman
Vignetta  (French)
Little Vine
Vignette  (French)
Little Vine
Viheke  (German)
Little Woman
Violetta  (French)
Little Violet
Viollette  (French)
Little Violet
Viveka  (German)
Little Woman
Viveka  (Swedish)
Little Woman
Vonn  (Welsh)
Vontell  (Welsh)
Wihakayada  (Native American)
Youngest Daughter,Little One
Wyatt  (French)
Little Warrior
Yaima  (African)
Little Princess
Yoninah  (Hebrew)
Little Dove
Zair  (Biblical)
Little, Afflicted, in Tribulation
Zair  (Biblical)
Little, Afflicted, in Tribulation
ZeIenka  (Czechoslovakian)
Little Green One
Zipporah  (Hebrew)
Little Bird
Zita  (Spanish)
Little Hope
Zoar  (Biblical)
Little, Small
Zuar  (Biblical)
Little, Small

Additional Names

Mamduh | Dougal | Uzziah | Hurst | Aaghaa | Nyeki | Wendel | Mario | Ilona | Lizzy | Caffar | Syntyche | Mistie | Mara | Arub |