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Names That Mean Little

472 names found for "Little"   (page 6 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Little? We couldn't find the exact name Little, but listed below are some first names meaning Little or names similar to the word Little.

Related Names

Lorilla  (Latin)
Little Laurel
Lou  (Latin)
Diminutive of Louisa: Latin Feminine Form of Louis: Famous Warrior. Famous Bearer: Louisa M. Alcott, Who Wrote 'Little Women'
Louisa  (Latin)
Latin Feminine Form of Louis: Famous Warrior. Famous Bearer: Louisa M. Alcott, Who Wrote 'Little Women'
Louvel  (French)
Little Wolf
Lovette  (English)
Little Loved One
Lowe  (French)
Little Wolf
Lucita  (Spanish)
Little Light
Lulu  (Latin)
Diminutive of Louisa: Latin Feminine Form of Louis: Famous Warrior. Famous Bearer: Louisa M. Alcott, Who Wrote 'Little Women'
Lunetta  (Italian)
Little Moon
Lunette  (French)
Little Moon
Luvena  (English)
Little Beloved One
Luvina  (English)
Little Beloved One
Luvyna  (English)
Little Beloved One
Lynette  (French)
Little Beauty
Lynnette  (French)
Little Lion
Lyonesse  (Celtic)
Little Lion
Lyonette  (French)
Little Lion
Maeret  (English)
Little Famous One
Malcolm  (Gaelic)
Servant/Disciple of Columba. Famous Bearers: Conductor Sir Malcolm Sargent and U.S. Black Militant Malcolm X (Malcolm Little)
Malin  (English)
Little Warrior
Malyn  (English)
Little Warrior
Marietta  (English)
Little Bitter
Mariette  (French)
Little Bitter
Marika  (Russian)
Little Mary
Marlon  (French)
Little Falcon
Maslin  (French)
Little Thomas
Masselin  (French)
Little Thomas
Merritt  (English)
Little Famous One
Mesobaite  (Biblical)
The Lord's Standing-place; a Little Doe
Mika  (Native American)
Wise Little Raccoon
Mika  (Native American)
Wise Little Raccoon
Mikloth  (Biblical)
Little Wants, Little Voices, Looking Downward
Mima  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Jemima: Dove. Little Dove. in the Old Testament, Jemima Was One of the Three Beautiful Daughters of Job (The Other Two Were Keziah and Keren)
Mizar  (Biblical)
Mizar  (Biblical)
Mora  (Spanish)
Little Blueberry
Nevan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Saint
Nhi  (Vietnamese)
Little One
Ninita  (Native American)
Little Girl
Ninita  (Hispanic)
Little Girl
Nixie  (German)
Little Water Sprite
Noel  (Latin)
Christmas, Languid, Intellectual, Highly-strung, Retrospective, Little Ambition
Nygaire  (English)
Apparently Little Flower of the Swamp. Maori Origins Should Be Spelt Ngaire Pronounced Nyree
Odelet  (Greek)
Little Singer
Odeletta  (French)
Little Spring
Odelette  (French)
Little Spring
Odelette  (Greek)
Little Singer
Odelia  (Anglo Saxon)
Little Wealthy One
Odelina  (Anglo Saxon)
Little Wealthy One
Odelinda  (Anglo Saxon)
Little Wealthy One
472 names found for "Little"   (page 6 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Dace | Angelyn | Ap Owen | Briana | Saeunn | Siyamak | Hethlon | Samrat | Lambrett | Adalard | Caradoc | Hank | Ignace | Philberta | Breac |