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Names That Mean Little

472 names found for "Little"   (page 9 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Little? We couldn't find the exact name Little, but listed below are some first names meaning Little or names similar to the word Little.

Related Names

Rubetta  (Latin)
Little Precious Jewel
Ruhette  (Latin)
Little Precious Jewel
Ryan  (Gaelic)
Little King (Ryon, Ryen)
Ryan  (Gaelic)
Little King
Ryann  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Leader
Sagira  (Egyptian)
Little One
Sagirah  (Arabic)
Little One
Sanita  (Spanish)
Little Healthy Girl
Santino  (Italian)
Little Saint
Seanan  (Irish)
Little Old Wise One
Shannon  (Irish)
Little Old Wise One. Surname and River Name
Shannon  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Wise Owl
Sharla  (French)
Little and Womanly Form Od Charlotte
Sheehan  (Irish)
Little Peaceful One
Sheshebens  (Native American)
Little Duck
Simeon  (Hebrew)
Obedient; Listening; Little Hyena. in the Bible, Simeon Was the Old Man Who Recognized Jesus As the Messiah
Simon  (Hebrew)
Variant of Simeon: Obedient; Listening; Little Hyena
Siodhachan  (Irish)
Little Peaceful One
Snana  (Native American)
Jingles Like Little Bell
Suelita  (Spanish)
Little Lily
Suelita  (Spanish)
Little Lily
Suidhne  (Irish)
Little Hero
Suzetta  (Hebrew)
Little Lily. Diminutive of Susannah. in the Apocryphal Book of Tobit Susannah Courageously Defended Herself Against Wrongful Accusation. White Lilies Grew in the Biblical City of Susa in Persia
Suzette  (French)
Little Lily
Suzu  (Japanese)
Little Bell
Suzue  (Japanese)
Branch of Little Bell
Sweeney  (Irish)
Little Hero
Tahkeome  (Native American)
Little Robe (Cheyenne)
Tal  (Hebrew)
Little Drops of Water
Talitha  (Aramaic)
Little Girl; Damsel
Thomkins  (English)
Little Tom
Tikvah  (Biblical)
Hope, a Little Line, Congregation
Tina  (Latin)
Little One
Tomkin  (English)
Little Tom
Tomlin  (English)
Little Twin
Topsy  (English)
The Name of a Little Slave Girl in 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Trella  (Hispanic)
Little Star
Trinetta  (French)
Little Innocent
Trinette  (French)
Little Innocent
Tulliola  (Latin)
Little Tullia
Umayma  (Egyptian)
Little Mother
Ursala  (Greek)
Little Bear
Ursola  (Russian)
Little Bear (Ursula)
Ursola  (Russian)
Little Bear
Ursula  (Russian)
Little Bear
Ursulina  (Spanish)
Little Bear
Vachel  (English)
Little Ash
Vachel  (French)
Little Cow
Vaschel  (Hebrew)
Little Ash Tree
Vaughan  (Welsh)
472 names found for "Little"   (page 9 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Walker | Anghrist | Sitala | Rakin | Lana | Katelinn | Johfrit | Jaye | Austen | Ilde | Coltrane | Molimo | Grazia | Tahzib | Orlando |