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Names That Mean Little

472 names found for "Little"   (page 2 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Little? We couldn't find the exact name Little, but listed below are some first names meaning Little or names similar to the word Little.

Related Names

Banain  (Gaelic)
Little Blond One
Banning  (Gaelic)
Little Blond One
Barran  (Irish)
Little Top
Beagan  (Gaelic)
Little One
Beagen  (Gaelic)
Little One
Becan  (Irish)
Little One
Bennett  (Latin)
Little Blessed One
Beth  (English)
Diminutive of Elizabeth, Meaning My God is Bountiful, or God of Plenty, Frequently Used As an Independent Name. Beth Was One of Louisa M. Alcott's Heroines in Her Th Century Novel Little Women
Birdena  (English)
Contemporary Name Meaning Little Bird
Birdie  (English)
Contemporary Name Meaning Little Bird; Birdlike
Birdine  (English)
Contemporary Name Meaning Little Bird
Bonita  (Spanish)
Pretty Little One
Branden  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Raven
Brandon  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Raven
Breandan  (Irish)
Little Raven
Breandan  (Gaelic)
Little Raven
Brend  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Raven
Brenda  (Irish)
Feminine Form of Brendan: Prince, Little Raven, or Beacon on the Hill. Some Scholars Believe Brendan Means 'stinking Hair'
Brenda  (Gaelic)
Little Raven
Brendan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Raven
Brendon  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Raven
Brenna  (Irish)
Variant of Brenda. Beacon on the Hill Little Raven
Brenna  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Raven
Brennan  (Irish)
Raven. Also 'Little Drop; Prince.' Variant of Brendan
Bunny  (American)
Little Rabbit
Burcet  (French)
From the Little Stronghold
Burkett  (French)
From the Little Stronghold
Burnel  (French)
Variant of Burnell: Little Brown Child
Byrdene  (English)
Contemporary Name Meaning Little Bird
Capek  (Czechoslovakian)
Little Stork
Capeka  (Czechoslovakian)
Little Stork
Carena  (Latin)
Little Darling
Cargan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Rock
Cariana  (Latin)
Little Darling
Carin  (Latin)
Keel; Little Darling
Carina  (Latin)
Keel; Little Darling
Carine  (Latin)
Little Darling
Carinna  (Latin)
Little Darling
Carlin  (Irish)
Little Champion
Carlin  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Champion
Carling  (Gaelic)
Little Champion
Carlynn  (English)
From Carolyn; 'Little and Womanly'
Carolena  (Italian)
Little and Womanly
Carrina  (Latin)
Little Darling
Ceallach  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Kelly - Strife
Ceileachan  (Gaelic)
Little Champion
Cerin  (Gaelic)
Little Dark One
Chephirah  (Biblical)
A Little Lioness
Chica  (Spanish)
Pet Name Meaning Little Girl
Chiquita  (Spanish)
Little Girl
472 names found for "Little"   (page 2 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Yaremka | Bradlee | Uzair | Walta | Lucero | Lisabeth | Accad | Reit | Asmund | Nainsi | Callough | Pari | Coigleach | Lear | Paul |