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Names That Mean Little

472 names found for "Little"   (page 1 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Little? We couldn't find the exact name Little, but listed below are some first names meaning Little or names similar to the word Little.

Related Names

Adam  (Hebrew)
Red, a Reference to Either the Red Skin or the Red Earth of Eden from Which the Old Testament Adam Was Created in Genesis Famous Bearer: Irish St Adamnan, Meaning 'Little Adam', Was the Biographer of
Adamnan  (Irish)
Little Adam
Adamnan  (Hebrew)
Little Adam, from Adam Meaning Red, a Reference to Either the Red Skin or the Red Earth from Which the Old Testament Adam Was Created (Genesis :). St Adamnan Was a Irish Saint and Biographer of St Col
Adamnan  (Irish)
Little Adam. Origin: Hebrew
Adan  (Irish)
Little Fire
Adeen  (Irish)
Little Fire
Adhamhnan  (Irish)
Variant of Adamnan: Little Adam
Adhamhnan  (Gaelic)
Diminutive Form of Adhamh, Hence, 'Little Adam'
Ahana  (Irish)
From the Little Ford
Ahane  (Irish)
From the Little Ford
Aidan  (Irish)
Little Fire (Aden, Aiden). Origin: Gaelic
Aidan  (Gaelic)
Little Fire, Ardent. Aidan Was Popular in Ireland in the After the Famous Irish Monk Aidan
Aidan  (Irish)
Warm; Little Fire. A Masculine Variant of Eshne from Irish Gaelic. Famous Bearer: Actor Aidan Quinn
Aidan  (Irish)
Little Fire
Aideen  (Irish)
Little Fire
Aiden  (Irish)
Little Fire (Aidan). Origin: Gaelic
Aiko  (Japanese)
Little Love,Beloved
Aiko  (Japanese)
Little Loved One
Aine  (Irish)
Ardent. Variant of Eshne: Little Fire, from Irish Gaelic
Ajthne  (Irish)
Ardent. Variant of Eshne: Little Fire, from Irish Gaelic
Aleta  (Hispanic)
Little Winged
Alpa  (Indian)
Alpa  (Hindu)
Amo  (French)
Little Eagle
Amoretta  (Latin)
Little Love
Amorette  (Latin)
Little Love
Amy  (French)
Dearly Loved; Beloved. from the Old French Amee, Which Derives from the Latin Amatus Meaning Loved. in Common Use After Publication of American Louisa May Alcott's 'Little Women'
Angeletta  (French)
Little Angel
Angelette  (French)
Little Angel
Angelina  (English)
Little Angel
Angelina  (Italian)
Little Angel
Angelito  (Spanish)
Little Angel
Anneke  (Scandinavian)
Little Ann
Annette  (French)
Variant of Anne Meaning Little Ann. Variant of Hebrew 'Hannah' Meaning 'Favor. Grace. '
Annie  (English)
Diminutive of Ann Frequently Used As an Independent Name. Famous Bearers: Markswoman Annie Oakley, Famous in the Musical 'Annie Get Your Gun'; Cartoonist Harold Gray's 'Little Orphan Annie'; the Tradi
Armida  (Latin)
Little Armed One
Arnatt  (English)
Little Eagle
Arnet  (English)
Little Eagle
Arnett  (English)
Little Eagle
Arnott  (English)
Little Eagle
Artan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Bear
Awnan  (Irish)
Little Adam
Ayasha  (Native American)
Little One (Chippewa)
Ayasha  (Native American)
Little One
Ayashe  (Native American)
Little One (Chippewa)
Ayashe  (Native American)
Little One
Ayden  (Irish)
Little Fire; Feminine Form of Aiden. Origin: Gaelic
Baethan  (Irish)
Little Foolish One
Bambi  (Italian)
Little Child; Bambino. Pet Name
Bamhi  (Italian)
Little Child; Bambino. Pet Name
472 names found for "Little"   (page 1 of 10) 

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Additional Names

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